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The Crimson Court

The southernmost province is entirely under the thumb of the Crimson Court, a cabal of vampires that have ruled the land for centuries. From their capital of Nov Ostoya, the Court projects their power across its borders, backed with undead soldiers and necromancy.

The Crimson Court rules every aspect of Soma. Even the local branch of the criminal Ebon Syndicate does not operate without the Court’s tacit approval, and take great care not to bite the hand that feeds.


The Crimson Court is composed of the seven leading nobles of Soma. While they are allies, no true loyalty exists among the vampiric ruling class. Each noble vies to sit at the head of the table, employing schemes that can take decades to bear fruit. Currently, the Court is ruled by Grand Duke Drago Koshevek.   all members are as follows:  
  • Grand Duke Drago Koshevek
  • Duke Thruidred of Kandar
  • Duke Rasvan Niculaie
  • Duke Timoshkin Aleksandr Romanovich
  • Countess Heliodora Tispolis Apokato
  • Countess Katalina Vulpescu
  • Countess Renata Dolorez


The Great Culling

Should a member of the Crimson Court fall to an eternal death, and a position in the court stands free, the Grand Duke may call for a Ritual known as "The Great Culling". In this process 10 Vampire Lords are chosen as a potential member. 6 of a higher order, already owning troops and bigger plots of lands and 4 lesser nobles owning at least a mansion and a few servants.   The 10 contestants may prove themselves worthy by returning successfull from raids against enemies of the state, delivering artifacts of grand power or even eliminating each other in battle. Land or treasure conquered during the trials may be kept afterwards, as the contestants get less and less.   Only when 3 potential members remain the Crimson Court will start comparing their achievments against each other. Each task fulfilled will be weighted and rated while the 3 contestants are locked into a hall of Blackharbour for seven days. It is impossible to escape from or enter the room for any living being, if it is not approved by the Grand Duke. Here the vampirelords may "discuss" which of them may be most suitable for a leading political position. If they do not decide immediately the seven days will be enough to awaken a bloodhungry rage among them and they may discuss more fiercely.   As the Court finishes its assessment, and there is still more than one survivor, a contestant is chosen to become the newest member of the Crimson Court. If only one contestant remains, he shall be the new member.
Founding Date
236 BR
Court, Noble
Notable Members
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