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The Foxwood Range

The frostbite foxes of the north, hunted and trapped for their resilient, weatherproof fur, are an important part of Valikan clan culture. The moon druids of an order known as the Fox Whisperers are instrumental to the long-term health of fox stocks, shepherding packs of these valuable creatures and ensuring that hunting and trapping don’t deplete their numbers. But one druid of that order, Njavesh , has taken her dedication to the foxes to another level.

Respite and Protection

The Foxwood Range is a narrow vale in the Grensfal Mountain foothills, comprising a network of warren tunnels and dens providing safe haven for frostbite foxes to whelp and raise their young in 34Grim Hollow | The Raider's Guide to Valikaspring. The unique geography ensures a large number of foxes disperse back into the wilds for autumn and win- ter trapping. Packs of frostbite foxes, led by elders awakened by Njavesh’s magic, range out from Foxwood to patrol the tundra of central Thrull, on the lookout for lost travelers. Their particular focus is seeking newly released thralls attempting the arduous journey south to their former homelands. These foxes lead their charges along safe trails, even hunting to help feed those unable to do so themselves. Some of the more resolute enforcers of Clan Völgr take exception to this mission and gladly make the southward journey of thralls fleeing from Thrull less hospitable. But countless incidents in which Völgr raiders have been stalked and routed by fox packs numbering in the hundreds have convinced most of the warriors to leave well enough alone.


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