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The Weeping Pox

Originating in the once prosperous city-state of Liesech, where it suddenly appeared under mysterious circumstances, the Weeping Pox is by far the worst disease ever released on Etharis.   It has spread quickly through Etharis despite the attempts of the Bürach Empire to contain it to Liesech. At first a sick person will be subject to fever causing sharpened senses, overexcitement, and a sense of wellbeing. But soon these symptoms will transition to delirium, burning fever, insatiable thirst, and oozing lesions that give the illness its name. Nearly all who contract the disease die shortly after. Most people succumb to the pox in a few days, while the most resilientmay hold on for almost two weeks.

Transmission & Vectors

The Weeping Pox is transmitted between humanoids both by close contact and as an airborne virus. If a humanoid comes within 5 feet of an infected creature they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected on a failed save. If a creature makes physical contact with an infected creature, this saving throw is made with disadvantage. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, they become immune to the Weeping Pox for 24 hours.


The symptoms of the Weeping Pox are both an eloquent manifestation of the Filth Grazer’s devious mind and a metaphor for Liesech’s course in history.   At first a sick person will be subject to fever causing sharpened senses, overexcitement, and a sense of wellbeing. But soon these symptoms will transition to delirium, burning fever, insatiable thirst, and weltering lesions that have given the illness its name.   Beyond this, nearly all who contract the disease die shortly after. Most people succumb to the pox in a few days while the most resilient may hold on for almost two weeks.   A creature infected with the Weeping Pox must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw each day at dawn. On a failed save, the creature’s Constitution score is reduced by 1d4. If a creature’s Constitution score is reduced to 0 then they die.


Known to the Morbus Doctore and only a select few others, the cure to the Pox is a closely guarded secret. The Morbus Doctore are willing to sell a vial of the antidote to those who know how to ask, for an exorbitant price or a costly favour.


As the Bouwengracht-Familiy of Liesech was murdered by Analita von Raiza, no more sacrifices were delivered to the ancient being called "the Filthgrazer" who magically blessed the city and brought it glory.   the Filthgrazer wanted revenge on the Bouwengracht-Family and the Vampire Countess so he released the weeping Pox onto the city when the funeral for the noble family was held. The disease spread almost through all of Etharis afterwards.
Chronic, Acquired


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