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Tol Leyemil

Nestled among the southern foothills of the Rock-Teeth Mountains, the most ancient elven city of Etharis stands as a monument to a proud race. Here, one can see elven architecture that predates even the Bürach Empire. It’s impossible to tell precisely how long the city has been standing, as the archives of Tol Leyemil are closed to non-elves. However, elves of all origins and subraces are welcomed and accepted here, like wandering children returning to their ancestral home. Thus, Tol Leyemil has been called the Last Free Elven City, the final stronghold of the Fair Folk. Tol Leyemil employs an unusual system of government. The city is ruled by an elven assembly known as the Achen Elavain, which is composed of members drawn from the city’s populace. While they are not part of the council, the Bondmaker shamans also have a say in the government’s decisions, as they represent the will of nature itself. Tol Leyemil maintains an alliance with the Charneault Kingdom, but relations have since soured with the dark elf curse. Racial enmity has flourished once again on both sides, affecting bilateral agreements. Some of the more radical human knights have accused the elves of tightening their supply of ore, which in turn has impacted Charneault’s supply of weapons. Meanwhile, a growing sector of elves are demanding that humans return lands they claim have been stolen from their nation. No violence has occured yet between these two sides, but with these escalating provocations, that may not hold true for long.


The city of Tol Leyemil and its surroundings are ruled by Achen Elavain, which could be translated in the common tongue as The Assembly of the Elves”. It is a gathering of randomly designated elven citizens, who lead the city for a tenure of 20 years. Such a tenure is not overly-long for the elves, who can live for centuries. This system aims as much as possible to prevent personal ambitions from getting in the way of the greater good of the elven civilization. Although not part of the Achen Elavain, the shamans, especially Bondmakers, are nonetheless important and influential actors in Tol Leyemil thanks to their unequalled ability to transmit the messages of nature. They are always represented in the official gatherings of the Assembly of Elves, although their opinions are strictly consultative. The Grand Shaman Aethorion is renowned even among shamans for his wisdom and foresight.

Industry & Trade

Much like the humans of the Charneault Kingdom, the elves rely heavily on fishing for their subsistence. Unlike the humans, however, they do not only fish in the rivers. As Tol Leyemil is a short river cruise to the sea, many fishing vessels come and go along the coast. The coast also shelters many well-maintained orchards that benefit from the temperate climate and provide heavy yields of fruits that are used for food and wines, the recipes for which are well-guarded secrets of the elven growers. Trade between Tol Leyemil and the Charneault Kingdom used to flourish. The elves rely on Charneault cereals to feed their surging population, while humans of the Kingdom buy fruits, fine beverages, and sea fish from the elves. Though the demand still exists, things have worsened since the events of the Dark Elf Curse. Even if war has not returned, trust between elves and humans has been damaged, and trade has suffered as a result.


The origins of the elven settlement of Caer Neiada are lost to the night of time, as is the construction date of Tol Leyemil. However, many elves claim that Tol Leyemil is the most ancient elven city on this side of the Great Sea, and the city’s impressive, convoluted, and worn-out architecture stands as proof of its immemorial age. Detailed history of Tol Leyemil and the elves of Caer Neiada is hard to come by as the elves themselves don’t like to share their history, or indeed their city, with humans. History books probably exist in the ancient libraries of the city, but they are well guarded and no human has been allowed to visit them to this day. Even if the Green Elves, who prefer to live in communion with raw nature, are indeed the first elven group to inhabit Caer Neiada and have been the largest population in the city until recently, Tol Leyemil has always been a cosmopolitan place. Elves of all origins have been freely accepted and welcomed since time immemorial, and this has further reinforced the legitimacy of the political system of the city.

Points of interest

The Temple of the Mists

At the south of the Charneault Kingdom lies the source of the Mists that regularly cover the land. The heart of the region is occupied by an ancient volcano, and the Temple of the Mists itself lies in what remains of its caldera, worn down by eons of erosion   Although the crater still dominates the landscape, it is often hidden, at least in part, by the Mists. The intricate network of rivers, lakes and other streams that abound all around the volcano make it even harder to find one’s way to the temple. Therefore it is no surprise that no one foolish enough to attempt to reach the temple without invitation ever returns. Many in the Charneault Kingdom say that those who ventured to the temple were bewitched by malevolent Spirits, while others say that they actually found the temple, but are imprisoned there forevermore. The only people capable of locating the Temple of Mists without guidance are the elven shamans that regularly perform rituals there. They are bound to silence and will not willingly share the way to the temple. As yet no one has tried to force them, as they are powerful sorcerers.   A ceremony is regularly held in the temple to release the Mists. Many tales and stories speak of what the ceremony entails, and why the Mists are released on the Kingdom, but the truth is known only to the highest elven authorities and they will not share the secret. All they revealed when the Pact of Sacred Land was made was that the Mists must be released from the temple or the entire region would surely be thrown into darkness.  

Tol Kerdywel

The western part of the Charneault Kingdom is a place even more dangerous than the Temple of Mists. Indeed it is a wicked land where the trees have no leaves and the waters are dark as night. This cursed land is dominated by the dead city of Tol Kerdywel, where Thaelkinei, the Lich Princess, lies dormant.  

Dark Oak Grove

A halfling caretaker and her many companions once tended a wondrous forest of towering black oak trees on the outskirts of Tol Kerdywel. In her capable hands the grove flourished, and travelers from across the kingdom came to admire the wild sanctuary of rare and beautiful flora and fauna. In her spare time, the halfling took in sick and injured animals and nursed them back to health, maintained the underground springs, and tended to the trees, who she maintained whispered secrets of old to her. However, travellers today will find no such splendour. The grove has become a place of death and decay. Its once-magnificent oaks have rotted from the inside out, spotted with mushrooms and furred tendrils. The burbling springs that used to flow abundantly have turned to stagnant mires filled with quicksand and waterborne insects. The scent of wildflowers and pine has turned to rotting wood and the decaying corpses of half-eaten creatures. The animals of the grove in the time of the halfling fled shortly after her disappearance, and those that stayed became prey for the new predators who took up residence. Those who have attempted to cultivate the grove and restore its former beauty find that introduced species are eaten or perish from disease, plants wither and die from the now-salty soil, and the water is brackish and undrinkable. Some say a terrible bargain was negotiated in order for such a foul place to persist, while others maintain that the grove is an extension of Tol Kerdywel. One thing is certain though: those who venture into Dark Oak Grove return permanently altered, as if the decay and stagnation have settled into their very being. They are plagued with dreams of death and cruelty, and often experience vivid hallucinations of being a walking corpse. Regardless of their destination, wise travellers avoid the grove at all costs.  

The Shaded Haven

Settled by Kainen Alabaster, the Shaded Haven is a small lakeside village that serves as a sanctuary to many lycanthropes who have recently turned. The settlement boasts thriving fishing and agriculture, but export is limited to the neighbouring towns and villages within the Charneault Kingdom. Physicians can access the village’s herb depository for medicinal ingredients, and use the crafting facilities there to make various elixirs and remedies. Some of the herbs grown in the depository are particularly rare and potent, and care must be exercised when mixing them. The depository’s seer, Grechia, tends to the plants and is able to source cuttings of rare herbs for a small fee. Lycanthropes researching a cure for their curse frequently pillage the depository, much to the annoyance of Grechia and the village’s physicians.
Alternative Name(s)
The Last Free Elven City
Large city
Owning Organization


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