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Arch Daemon of Wrath, Tormach (a.k.a. Manslayer, Marauder, Lord of Blood Oaths)

Replacing the war god Maligant is the Arch Daemon Tormach, a spirit of relentless conflict.   Unlike Maligant, who espoused a strategy to prevent needless deaths, Tormach delights in killing and bloody violence, demanding sacrifices from his followers in exchange for power. Victory itself is unimportant to Tormach — what matters is that as much blood as possible is shed during and after the battle. Murderers and evil-aligned warriors find strength in Tormach, but are apt to give in to their bloodlust before long.   Tormach appears as a flaming warrior bearing a helm and a wickedly-curved halberd. He rides a chariot pulled by a pair of chimera.

Divine Domains

  • War
  • Murder
  • Destruction

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bronze Shield with a black Minotaur on it

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tormach appears as a flaming warrior bearing a helm and a wickedly-curved halberd. He rides a chariot pulled by a pair of chimera.
flaming red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
burned black
2,7 m


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