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A wechselkind is a construct crafted of wood, clay, and ceramic, placed from the Feywild into the material plane, in the form of a small child, animated by faerie magic and concealed in a glamour that makes them appear identical to a stolen mortal babe. Once the glamour fades and the lie is revealed, the wechselkind is often cast out by its foster family, if not destroyed. Occasionally, though, a family takes pity on the poor creature and attempts to raise it as they would a child, only to find that while their mind develops normally, a wechselkind is forever bound in the unchanging form of a childlike doll.   Whether nurtured or shunned, the wechselkind eventually finds itself an outcast in the world and must fend for itself as best it can. With few physical needs, the wechselkind often wanders from place to place, watching the people it encounters with envious eyes, hoping for a place to finally fit in. The residual magic of its faerie glamour allows it to conceal itself in the guise of a human child, and a lone wechselkind often takes to begging by the side of the road or doing odd jobs around an isolated farmhouse, searching for some scraps of acceptance or a small trinket or two to take with it when it must inevitably move on.   Recently, with the advent of the Weeping Pox, the wechselkind have started to emerge from hiding and be recognized as a separate race of creatures. With their immunity to disease, a number of wechselkind have offered their services as nurses and doctor’s assistants in plague-stricken regions, gaining recognition and praise from those able to see beyond their tragic beginnings. These wechselkind are grateful for a sense of purpose and a place to belong, but remain wary. Once their usefulness is at an end, they know they may be cast out once more.
Scientific Name
Fey race
As constructs, the wechselkind do not age as normal creatures do. They are forever trapped in the doll-like body of a stolen child. As such, their maximum age is more a function of natural erosion and damage than of time.
Average Height
2-3 ft. / 0.60-0,91 m
Average Weight
35-55 lb / 15.87-24.94 kg


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