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Yggdrasili Infection

When an yggdrasili renders a humanoid unconscious with psychic attacks, it attempts to connect that creature to the yggdrasili hivemind. Upon awakening, an infected creature is alive but no longer capable of exerting its will. As a drone, it’s beholden to directions telepathically given from the closest yggdrasili crown. In the absence of a nearby crown, an yggdrasili feels compelled to remain incognito and infect others with the condition.   In the infection’s early stages, yggdrasilis appear much like they did in life. Their physical appearance is unchanged, and an yggdrasili drone has access to the original creature’s memories, mannerisms, and other personal details. As the condition advances, the drone forgets the details of its host’s former life, and its veins become more evident as its head swells. These symptoms are especially pronounced in those who become yggdrasili crowns.   An yggdrasili crown has protruding veins and a swollen head. This change means crowns no longer pass as members of other species. Along with the physical changes come increased psychic abilities. Drones operate on impulses the hivemind dictates, but crowns have a greater degree of autonomy. They can coordinate nearby drones to complete complex missions.   Regardless of the age of the host body, yggdrasili hosts die of decrepitude after 10 years.


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