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The Scouting of Lunsk

Military action


Renfield, Krassius and 044 traveled to Lunsk and scouted the location out, collecting information on Sylas Blacktrees defenses and the general populous.

As Renfield and Krassius arrived back at Alucards mansion, they were introduced to 044 a additional soldier serving the Company of Free Swords. The three traveled to Lunsk to scout out the location and collect information while Alucards troops followed them delayed.   In Lunsk 044 mainly helped the foresting guild, earning extra coin, fighting Xakaloni, the spawn of a horrible abomination called Hraptnon, which roams in the Stillborn Forest as an undefeatable giant. he also communicated with the members of the foresters guild and thought the guildmaster to be his ally and told him about the unrest among his people.   Krassius and Renfield found a side-entrance to the courtyard of the Blacktree-Castle, discussed with the local Alchemist about a concoction to harm the Hraptnon and generally collected information about the troops and an unusual wolf which walks among the streets at night, assuming it to be Sylas pet.   A few days before the troops of Alucard arrived, Sylas Blacktree impaled the conspirators which were against him in the open streets, stuffing their heads into the beheaded bodies of Xakaloni, with hanging banners saying "are you satisfied yet?". As it turns out, the guildmaster of the foresters-guild told Lord Blacktree of the suspicions and he quickly ordered a execution of those that thought, he does not act enough against the threat of the Hraptnon.   Following this horrifying event the party was invited into the Castle of Sylas Blacktree to have dinner with him. There he revealed that he knows of them, as he bought Lucifer, the Bardlock from Nov Ostoy and collected information from him.   He released the party back to their Inn, thinking he had them intimidated as Alucards troops arrive the next day.

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Campaign: Renfield & Krassius