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The Battle of Lunsk

Military: Battle


Alucards troops attack Lunsk and the battle between the competitors ensues.

With the troops of Alucard Piotorev arriving, they stormed the city of Lunsk. The troops approached the city in a Fog Cloud-spell and quickly stormed the outer walls, fighting against the Shadar-Kai troops of Blacktree. the Red Swan, Alucard, 044, Renfield and Krassius managed to reach the courtyard and found themselves surrounded by elven gunslingers and shadow-dancers. In a tough battle they managed to eradicate the troops, seeing that the rioting folk of Lunsk joined Alucards troops in battle.   As the main city was cleared of Sylas troops, Lord Blacktree found himself surrounded and besieged in his own castle.   here he fought Renfield, Krassius and 044. during this battle his right hand Sylvano and Silas Blacktree himself died while Luzifer was captured and locked away.

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