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House Rules

Some of these are from the Grim Hollow chapter on Variant Mechanics, some of these are homebrew from various other sources, and some of these are variant mechanics from the rulebooks. I’m not using all of the Grim Hollow variant rules, so I’m listing out here the ones I am using.  

Concentration Checks

Whenever you fail a concentration check, you gain the dazed condition until the end of your next turn.   Source: Grim Hollow Campaign Guide p. 28  


  If you are concentrating on a spell and become dazed, you lose concentration on that spell and it immediately fails. While dazed, you cannot concentrate on spells.   Source: Grim Hollow Campaign Guide p. 28  


  Bleeding creatures cannot regain hit points from spells or abilities. A bleeding creature can only regain hit points by consuming hit dice or completing a long rest.   Source: Grim Hollow Campaign Guide p. 28  

Race Proficiencies

Dwarven blackpowder training. You have proficiency with Blackpowder weapons when you reach 3rd-level. Gnome specialist training. You have proficiency with Scatter weapons when you reach 3rd-level.   Source: Grim Hollow Campaign Guide p. 28  


You can use your whole turn to run in a straight line up to five times your speed. If you use your turn to Sprint, you cannot do anything else on your turn (you still have your reaction for the round, if applicable). While sprinting, any attacks of opportunity which you provoke are made with Advantage.   Source: Homebrew/Pathfinder  

Variant: Encumbrance

When you use this variant, ignore the Strength column of the Armor table in chapter 5. If you carry weight in excess of 5 times your Strength score, you are encumbered, which means your speed drops by 10 feet. If you carry weight in excess of 10 times your Strength score, up to your maximum carrying capacity, you are instead heavily encumbered, which means your speed drops by 20 feet and you have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.   Source: PHB p. 176  

Intelligence Proficiencies

Your Intelligence modifier grants (or removes) an equal number of proficiency points. You may use a proficiency point to gain one skill proficiency, one tool proficiency, or one standard language. You may also use two proficiency points to gain one exotic language, or three proficiency points to gain expertise in a skill you are already proficient in. NOTE: If you have a negative Intelligence modifier, you lose proficiencies according to these same rules.   Source: Homebrew  


In order to gain the benefits of flanking a target, you must first describe what you are doing to justify the advantage, and make a skill check with a DC equal to the target’s Armor Class. On a success, normal flanking rules apply.   Source: Homebrew  

Massive Damage

If you sustain damage greater than or equal to half of your maximum hit points in a single attack, you must roll on the System Shock table.   Source: DMG p. 273  

Grievous Wounds

Whenever a player character is reduced to 0 hit points, they roll 2d6 and subtract from the result the number of existing Grievous Wounds they have. They then apply the modified result from the Grievous Wound Table. If a player rolls the same result as one they already have a wound for, they skip this result and select the next lowest result they do not have as a wound. Results with a * next to them can be taken more than once. Upon completing a long rest, and if the character or someone helping them succeeds at a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check, a player can remove all effects from Grievous Wounds, but not Permanent Wounds. See the next section for Permanent Wounds.  

Permanent Wounds

Permanent wounds are injuries that were not lethal but left the recipient maimed. They represent a serious impediment that requires creativity to overcome, especially at lower levels. The effects of a permanent wound are irreversible unless the recipient is targeted with the regenerate spell, upon which one permanent wound is removed.   Source: Grim Hollow Campaign Guide p. 215  

Secret Death Saving Throws

The DM rolls and tracks Death Saving Throws in secret. (I promise not to fudge the rolls)   Source: Homebrew  


You can always use the Help action outside of combat. In combat, you can only use the Help action to assist on a skill you are proficient in.   Source: Homebrew  

Leveling Up

When rolling for hit point increases, you may reroll ones.   Source: Homebrew   In order to gain new features provided by gaining a level, you must spend time and money training and/or studying for the class level.   Source: DMG p. 131  

Wild Magic

For Wild Magic Sorcerers, each time you roll to see if you provoke a Wild Magic Surge and you do not provoke one, the DC increases by one. This DC resets to 1 when you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a random magical effect.   Source: Homebrew

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