The Castinellan Provinces

"He who fights for himself shall fear death, for his steps are led by lust, and his deeds will fall into oblivion. But he who fights for Empyreus fears nothing, for his steps are led by the Eternal Dogma, and his deeds pave the way towards the Golden Age."

The Castinellan Provinces are the southernmost nation of Etharis. Castinella is characterized by scorching sun, dry heat, vineyards, warrior monks, short tempered swordsmen, and a militaristic theocracy. The three provinces (Toletum, Faro, and Therpena) have been united behind the worship of the Arch Seraph Empyreus, in whose name The Arcanist Inquisition is executed. The Inquisition hunts all manner of eldritch monsters and dangerous heretics, and chief among them are those that wield arcane magic.


The Castinellan Provinces are a harsh land pincered between mountain and sea. It is a windswept peninsula, bounded by sea to east and west, with an irregular mountain spine running from north to south. The west coast faces the Gulf of Lions, where trade routes lead towards the city-state of Morencia and the Charneault Kingdom. The east coast is wilder and less inhabited, exposed to the strong winds from the Great Eastern Sea. Although the sea is never far, the provinces mostly suffer from a dry climate, due to the combined effects of constant winds and scorching heat. In that context, water has become the most precious resource, and the bigger cities have emerged on the shores of the few rivers flowing from the mountains, or, in the case of the great Salves River, from the northern part of Etharis. Scorched and hardened by the ruthless heat and wind, the people of Castinella are fierce, festive, and faithful. The southernmost part of Etharis offers both great opportunities and great challenges to those brave enough to seize them. Sailing, farming, mining, warring—nothing is outside the Castinellans’ potential, backed by the strength of their rigorous codes and passionate faith.

The Arcanist Inquisitorious - A Militarised State Religion

The teachings of the Divine Arch Seraphs Empyreus, Arch Seraph of Valor - have slowly but surely transformed the provinces into a militarist theocracy, with a fierce mistrust of spellcasters. But recently, new challenges to the sacred Seraphic Teachings have thrown the population into disarray.
Conflict has escalated to the point where the Arcanist Inquisition has launched a crusade to burn every magically gifted being in the Castinellan Provinces... and beyond.

Fighters and warrior monks are trained in the heat of Toletum, split between rival academies that compete for prestige. Sailors, farmers, and merchants are plentiful in Faro, the gateway to Castinella from the sea, while expert mounted combatants are trained at the High Cavalry School in Therpena. Ember Cairn is the ancestral home of the dragonborn in Etharis, where most of their race can be found. Arcane characters are very rare in Castinella, and they must be excellent at concealing their profession. Sorcerers with metamagic options to hide their spellcasting would be well suited to the provinces. This is because the Arcanist Inquisition is intolerant of arcane mages, and clerics and paladins from this region are likely to be even more unyielding and absolute in their prosecution of dangerous magics.


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