Halflings Species in Etharis | World Anvil
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At one time humankind, being an unstoppable force in Etharis, earned the enmity of most races. All who tried to oppose them were met with destruction. One race, however, chose not to contest the humans’ ascendency, but instead decided to cling to their backs for survival.   The Era of Expansion did not affect the population of halflings like it did other races. Even though the halflings did not agree with the violent ways of the humans, they fell silent, deciding that being subservient to the stronger and better-armed human armies would guarantee their survival. After the division of the humans into different empires and kingdoms, halflings fit in perfectly, many acquiring positions as librarians, bookkeepers, teachers, or scholars.   Shorter and weaker in stature than dwarves, halflings are a peaceful race. What most of these tiny folk seek in life is a place to settle in peace and quiet, far away from the atrocities of war. They enjoy good music, fine food, and a good laugh when they can.   This does not mean that this race shuns adventuring. Tales of halfling rogues or scholars, seeking ancient and hidden knowledge, are some of the most famous there are.   Unlike gnomes, however, they care little for jewels or inventions. Halflings use the lore they gather to build impressive libraries on specific subjects. Within the countless volumes of these libraries lie generations of knowledge pertaining to the halflings passions, from cooking to brewing, bee keeping, and much more.  

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