The Downcast Species in Etharis | World Anvil
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The Downcast

With the end of the God-War, the Arch Seraphs of each deity descended upon the world, each taking upon their own shoulders the burden of imposing order on a world cast into disarray. These Arch Seraphs were the most powerful lieutenants among the angelic hosts, strong enough to retain a semblance of their power following the tragedy. The lesser angels were not so lucky. Many found themselves wholly bereft of their powers, cast down to Etharis to live out their now- mortal lives amidst the lesser races.   The downcast, as they have come to be called, are far fewer in number than when they first arrived, with a great number of them succumbing to despair and sickness after their fall from grace. Of those who remain, some still serve the Arch Seraphs in their twisted crusades, hoping to reclaim what they have lost. Others have turned their backs on their former comrades to seek their own goals, fully embracing mortal life. Lastly are those who feel embittered by their fall and have been gleefully accepted by the Arch Demons as agents to spread fear and destruction.   Physically, the downcast still possess the beauty of their angelic forms, although they no longer shine as brightly as before. The mark of the divine still remains as a visible glow within their eyes, and faint markings on their skin mimic Celestial runes.   There is also variation based on the deity that each served in the past. Those who follow Maligant are physically stronger, Galt’s host are hardy and resilient, Ulmyr’s are possessed of a keen intellect, and Aurelia’s kin have softer features and soothing voices.   Over time, the downcast have learned to tap into the small shreds of divine power that lie sleeping within their blood. That power still remembers the downcast’s former purpose and can be harnessed in times of great need to aid those who once called upon the gods for their power. This ability is as dangerous as it is powerful, for there are many who would seek to take it by force. Fallen clergy who seek to drain the downcast in order to restore their own failing powers, vampires seeking to drink from a fountain of the tainted divine, even those who treat with powerful entities alien to this world, are all potential predators to a fallen angel. Indeed, there are some who have already discovered this secret and are willing to go to any lengths in order to obtain it.  

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