Ethelas A fledgeling world coping with the Gods, Wizards, and the Multiverse


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Vast Empires, kingdoms, technocracies, underground realms, wasteland tribes, and magocracies inhabite this world together with the monsters, magic and beasts that live here. It is a world once dominated by Wizards, raw elemental Magic and the strife towards domination. Wizard collectives were made and broken, and there was never any trust that lasted. Horrifying destruction and creation was set upon the world in a never ending shifting balance of power and dominance.   Untill somehow, someone or something, brought it all to it's knees. Where Ethelas was a realm isolated from the other Planes, the Gods, Hells, and other outer Planes it all descended. Strenghtening the barriers between the Material Planes and the Inner Planes and for the first time setting their influence on this world. More than 712 years ago the Gods touched peoples lives. Those that were bound to servitude and slavery by the Ruling Wizard Overlords gained power for themselves. And they rebelled against their subjucators.   New Empires and heroes grew into their own. Destroying the multitude of Wizard Towers, toppling their hold on the common folk! Those mages that were smart enough joined the rising civilizations and their new found influence. Those that did not became isolated and fell against new powers and Magicks the world hadn't seen before.   Large Magocracies are thing of the past. Only a few stubborn elven mages have exiled themselves to their own continent. The rest of the world is thriving, devout clerics and paladins tame the lands. Wizard schools are now serving the nations that protect them. Artificers are exploring new ways to build and improve. New discoveries are made every day. However the Greed for wealth and power never stopped. War has raged between nations. Never again with the destructive powers as in the days before Descendance of the Gods. Even those who were seen as holy and devout fall to corruption, the power of the churches are waining with the uncovering of massive frauds and greed in the Kingdom of Emeras. The Inquisition has been founded to root out the corruption in the clergy, royalty, and those who hold power.     It seems that with better times people have grown complacent. The world has settled into this new balance where things grow stagnant and start to rot. What kind of change will be needed to grow and maintain peace, or will this Kingdom fester and grow more corrupt?