The Church

[Excerpt from longer piece about cults and sects of the Church].   The Cult of the Mother is perhaps one of the most cryptic, and highly debated, cults in all of Exordium. It is the name for a collection of potential and well-established cults throughout the world. Due to its secretive nature, many do not believe it exists, a stance which the Church supports. Those who claim to have had encounters with the cult often describe differing practices and teachings as well, further discrediting its existence.   However, in recent years, more and more sightings of the Cult of the Mother have been found, often operating under different names. Due to the variety in these sects, the Church has all grouped them under the Cult of the Mother and declared them all heretics.   Though there are perhaps hundreds of these sects, the most prominent are the Sorrow Sisters, Pearlites, Devout Hearts, and the Mother’s Convent.


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