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History of Etheria

Before Custos

... 0 ROC

Before the birth of the Custos. Mostly a chaos-ridden void, war-torn between Lumen and Tenebris.

  • -15610 B.C

    The Birth of Lumen and Tenebris
    Era beginning/end

    The birth of the creators of the universe.

Rein of Custos

7 AD 7661 AD

Time period when the Custos were primarily in power

  • 7 R.O.C

    7 /7 07:00

    Birth of the Custos
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The creation of the seven Custos: Dragon, Crow, Hippocampus, Phoenix, Unicorn, Griffin, and Pegasus. They were birthed as the seven core magic creatures but have the ability to morph into a more humanoid form.

  • 77 R.O.C

    7 /7 07:00
    177 R.O.C

    7 /7 07:00

    Creation of Etheria

    The creation of the Custos's planet.

  • 177 R.O.C

    426 R.O.C

    Separation of the Realms
    Era beginning/end

    Seperation of the Super-realm on Etheria into seven distinct realms, one for each of the Custos to rule.

  • 425 R.O.C

    1 /1

    Creation of the Genasi race
    Life, Birth

    The creation of the Genasi race- masters of the elements and subjects of Dragon. They live on his realm, Illustris.

  • 434 R.O.C

    1 /2

    Creation of the Elven Race
    Life, Birth

    Creation of the Elves, elegant creatures who carry themselves with grace. Masters of flora and fauna, they are subjects of Crow and lived on his realm Concordia.

  • 441 R.O.C

    1 /3

    Creation of the Merpeople Race
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Merpeople race. Masters of the ocean, they are subjects of Hippocampus and live on her realm Aequor.

  • 448 R.O.C

    1 /4

    Creation of the Tiefling Race
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Tieflings, masters of the forces of nature and subjects of Phoenix. They live in her realm Potentia and are considered to be some of the more agfressive of Etherians.

  • 485 R.O.C

    1 /5

    Creation of the Aasimar Race
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Aasimar race. Masters of the mind body and soul, they are subjects of the Unicorn and live in her realm Salutem.

  • 492 R.O.C

    1 /6

    The Creation of the Dragonborn Race
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Dragonborn race. Masters of teh weather, they are subjects of Griffin and live in his realm Caeruleum.

  • 499 R.O.C

    1 /7

    The Creation of the Fey Race
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the Fey race (pixies, fairies). Keepers of time, they are subjects of Pegasus and live on her realm Somnium.

  • 506 R.O.C

    1 /8

    Creation of the Eladryn Race
    Life, Birth

    The creation of the Eladryn, Elf-like creatures whose appearances change with the seasons. Masters of the Arts, they serve no God and like freely on the Elutherian Isles.

  • 4661 R.O.C

    7 /2

    Creation of the First Human
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The birth of the very first human, Keres. She is known as the mother God to humankind and is regularly worshipped by them. even almost 5000 years later.

  • 6989 R.O.C

    20 /5
    7012 R.O.C

    12 /7

    Building of the Magic Plants
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the seven magic plants- the future prisons of the Custos.

  • 7649 R.O.C

    Imprisonment of the Custos
    Life, Relocation

    The imprisonment of the seven Custos into the magic plants.

  • 7650 R.O.C

    7661 R.O.C

    The Great Magic War
    Military action

    The Great Magic War was the very first war between Humans and Etherians. It happened very quickly, leading to the mass killing of Etherians. Eventually they fought back as peacefully as possible, but the last of the first Etherians were killed on Melancholy Mountain. This created the stars of the universe.

  • 7652 R.O.C

    Destruction of Illustris
    Disaster / Destruction

    The destruction of the realm Illustris from the Great Magic War.

  • 7655 R.O.C

    25 /5

    The Capture of the Custos
    Military action

    The day humans tricked the Custos into coming down in their elven forms. They captured the Custos using guns (titanium bullets are fatal to Etherians, even the Custos)

  • 7656 R.O.C

    7661 R.O.C

    Omnicide of the Etherians

    The final Etherians (With exception of the seven core families) are killed.

No-Magi Era

7661 AD 8186 AD

(0-525) The era in which humans are fully in power and there is no magic in the world.

  • 8186 NME

    Fall of the Custos
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Custos spontaneously combust due to years of having their magic harvested and from experiments being done to figure out how to give humans magic. To keep the world in tact, they transfer their power to seven different people- those people become known as the Guardians of the Reborn Magic World. The explosion causes magic to be re-released into the world after hundreds of years of the humans being in power and acts as a sort of nuclear meltdown, destroying the entire world aside from those in protective Metropoli. All humans outside the safe zones were reinfected with magic, bringing back the Etherian races.
    After the explosion, humans agree that the Custos were trying to kill them with the explosion and that magic is evil, and should not be in the hands of common civilians, just in the hands of high-up government officials and their current leader.

After Mirabilis

8191 AD 10201 AD

The renaming of the planet Etheria to Mirabilis. Era after the fall of the Custos.

  • 8822 A.M.

    Discovery of Mutated Humans
    Discovery, Scientific

    Humans discover that the explosions of the magic plants didn't kill the humans outside the safe zones. They were mutated.
    They find themselves with hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of new Etherians, and deem this a worldwide emergency.

  • 8823 A.M.

    8873 A.M.

    Construction of the Prisons
    Construction beginning/end

    After learning of the mutated humans, who humans began calling the Broken Ones, they immediately began the construction of 24 prisons across Mirabilis, all named after the Greek alphabet.

  • 9610 A.M.

    9637 A.M.

    First Gen Guardians
    Life, Organisation Association

    The time period when the First Gen Guardians, the very first successful power transfer from Custos to Etherian, were alive.

  • 9637 A.M.

    9664 A.M.

    Transfer of Power to Second Gen Guardians
    Life, Organisation Association

    When all but two of the six First-Gen Guardians (Kumiko "Krisfiel" Takahashi and Elmar "Elliot Itani" Ilphelkiir), the Custos's backup Guardians were given their powers. These backups were all children or children not even born yet.