Rockfolk Species in Etheria | World Anvil


As their name would suggest, the Rock People are humanoid like creatures with bodies made of stone material. Despite being made of rock, they can see, move, and speak.

Basic Information


Rockfolk are humanoid look-a-likes that are made of inorganic stone material. Despite being stone, they can move rather fluidly and at a decent speed.  They are usually large, and very strong. As their body is hard as it is, few ever take to wearing armor.
Special Abilities     Constitution - With a body of stone, they are immune to poison and disease.   Strength - Rockfolk have a +2 to their Strength Skill   Connected to Earth - Even nonmagic users can control the earth enough to Meld it when necessary. (Level 3 Spell Meld as a free spell to start with).   Weakness   Heavy Footed - Due to their size, it is difficult to sneak around. -2 to Stealth.
Average Height
5.5 - 7ft Tall