BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Before this world, before the existance of ears to hear it, a haunting melody resounded through the void. The source of the sound was a beast of unparalleled power and beauty, wings stretching off into infinity, and scales shining light through the darkness as if to say: I am not nothing. I exist. Its eyes held great wisdom and its face great dignity. But both were made heavy by the same grief that laced its song. This first and greatest of the dragons, who would later be named Night after the only view she ever knew. Night had been adrift in the sea of chaos for an eternity, exploring the limits of the void and of herself. However in all that time she was never able to find what she was truly looking for. Before her feelings had words to describe them, her sadness took wings in a formless song and erupted into the void. The echoes of her song bouncing back at her from the edges of infinity proved too much for her to bear, only serving to highlight her eternal solitude. But what could she do? All that truly existed was contained within herself. There could never be another set of ears to share her song with. Eventually she resolved herself to using the tools she had been given. If her existance synonomous with infinity could never encounter something truly other, then she would divide herself into many finite existances that they may experience each other in her place. She tore apart her own body and soul to create the world and its inhabitants. Her body became Etheria, a massive planet full of life while her organs, being smaller but higher in energy began orbiting it creating 5 moons. Her immortal soul she tore into 5 gemstones and imparted them to her children. Each gem contained incredible power and imparted these Dragon Princes great wisdom. Eventually from immense power of the 5 moons spawned 5 powerful entities that would come to be known as Gods, and from the power of the planet itself were spawned the races of the earth.   In a very real way everything that now exists is still a part of night. No longer alone but rather infinitely relating to herself. (like how by some definitions one can consider the whole earth a single organism, or at least ecosystems, or at least portugese man o wars. expanding the definition of what an individual entity is to become a system. the mind is not a physical construct but rather a cascade of events. The mind is not something that exists, it is a process. in the same way night is no longer something that exists, but rather inhabits the process of the universe and more specifically the individuals that call it home.)

Historical Basis


This myth is widely known by all, though the particular details vary from region to region.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
At the beginning of time


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