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Democratic Republic of the God of Wisdom

This association was formed from Gods borne of the Moon(head) and its main purpose is to decide which of them is qualified to wield the power of the Moon at any given time.


The structure of the Republic is entirely flat save for the position of the current God of wisdom. Every 1000 years an election is held and the decision must be unanimous among the whole organization. Because of their tendency to argue everything down to its finest point it is not rare for this process to take over 100 years before a consensus is reached.


The power of the Moon(head) capable of raising one of its members to the status of a God at any given time.


The democratic republic formed naturally the moment that the second celestial appeared, as the first one quickly realized that the only way to pursue true wisdom was by working together.

Technological Level

At the pinnacle of the universe but they dont ever get too far ahead because they spend too much time sitting around thinking to actually do much testing or inventing. So much of what they have is simply some technology that they picked up elsewhere and perfected.


All Celestials are highly educated but not in the traditional sense. Each one follows their own interests so it isnt uncommon for one to be surprised by some seemingly trivial information.
Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
The entire organization is involved in any rules being made, but there are precious few of them since each individual is so invested in arguments.
Judicial Body
The acting God of Wisdom has final say when immediate action is required
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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