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The Faith of The Five

The Faith of The Five was an organization that rose soon after the first humans were born on the surface of Etheria. In those times there were no celestials on Etheria for they had not yet begun to increase in population. That being the case The Faith of The Five acted as a liaison for the interaction between human and dragon. This relationship garnered the organization much power and authority in the human world, but they never took a leading role in governing the human race because the dragons in general wished for humanity to develop independently. Even still the word of the faith held enormous sway and it generally had at least one representative at every large settlement of humans weighing in on large decisions. It was not rare for several generations to pass between interactions with the great dragon princes but the faith diligently passed down the knowledge gained by their ancestors to ensure that future generations would understand how to show the proper hospitality to and by extension perhaps gain favor from the dragons. Unfortunately most of this information would be lost during the events of Diamond Storm. The organization led humanity in the fight against Diamond and the losses were immeasurable. By the time that he was sealed more than half of all humans were slain and the faith itself was almost entirely annihilated. They were unable to recover from their losses and totally dissolved within a generation. After the war the remaining dragon princes decided to wipe all mention of Diamond and his seal from history, both to cover their guilt and shame and to prevent anyone from being tempted to break him free. In doing this they also wiped most remaining traces of the Faith of the Five. Much of the artifacts and knowledge that this once great order had accrued were either lost in the battle, looted soon after, or destroyed by the dragons. But even now there remain hidden temples, sealed away from the ravages of time and waiting patiently for the time when they shall offer their wisdom and power to humanity once again.
Religious, Organised Religion


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