Aether Storm

Aether storms, sometimes also called mana storms, are catastrophic events in which magical energies go haywire as a result of parts of the soul energy network being out of balance. The storms can either occur in a specific region or on a world scale, depending on the extent of the energetic imbalance.


It manifests itself as a storm of raw, untamed soul energy that sweeps across the land, disrupting magical environments such as refuges and natural environments alike. This results in chaos and can cause disruptions within magical systems, spontaneous spells, bursts of elemental energy as well as mutations in flora and fauna.  

Localized Manifestation

In case of a low-scale imbalance, the storm is typically limited to a confined area or hotspot, causing bursts of wild magic with fluctuating elemental effects. The localized mana storms may cause subsequent weather events such as wildfires and lightning storms and may cause higher numbers of present elementals and monsters.  


Aether storms typically reoccur naturally every few centuries when the soul energy veins or ley lines shift and realign. Outside of this cyclical trigger, the storm can be triggered by other factors. A more severe storm may occur if the cyclic trigger aligns with different triggers.   The main non-cyclic trigger is a significant disruption of the ley lines, such as large-scale magical experiments, the overuse of powerful spells or natural seismic activities.


The so-called eye of the storm is an important, central, relatively calm area of the storm where the mana is most concentrated. It is a place of intense energetic activity. A powerful being that is able to withstand the energetic pressure can attempt to disrupt the storm at this place.  

Impact on Society

Aether storms create magic dead zones where the natural energetic flow is disrupted. The disruption often causes mutations in plants and animals, potentially creating new, aggressive species. In some cases, the storm leads to temporary oases of intense growth due to the concentrated soul energy. Other possible impacts on society are:  
Economic Collapse
With infrastructure destroyed and trade routes disrupted, economies crumble. Magical goods may become hard to come by, and the prices increase.   Economic Turmoil
The destroyed infrastructure and trade routes lead to general scarcity of certain resources, which in turn leads to inflation and social unrest.
Cultural Shifts
Societies become more insular, focusing on their survival. Creative crafts such as art, literature and music reflect the chaos and desperation of the current events, with a surge in dark and chaotic themes.   Religion
The faith in deities associated with magic and weather increases. People seek for divine intervention to calm the storm.

Environmental Impact

Possible environmental impacts include:  
Elemental Havoc
The storm's elemental chaos can create localized subsequent environmental disasters such as wildfires, flash floods, and earthquakes. These events can dramatically reshape landscapes, allowing the potential for both enriched and exhausted soils.   Energetic Desolation
Areas that were hit the hardest by the storm may become dead zones, where the natural soul energy flow is completely disrupted, and the energy veins die. This leads to the localized extinction of plants and creatures that need soul energy access to survive.
Mutations and Aberrations
The storm's wild magic can cause mutations in plants and animals, creating entirely new species or turning existing ones into dangerous, aggressive versions of themselves.   Temporary Oasis
In rare cases, aether storms can bring about temporary oases of intense growth and vitality due to the concentrated energy. These areas are lush from the outside but unstable on the inside and will eventually fade or become dangerous.


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Aug 6, 2024 16:55 by Marc Zipper

Very cool Aether Storm I love how you describe both the physical destruction and the economic turmoil that the storm causes very cool

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