Soul Weaver

Soul weavers bind sacrificial souls into empty soul gems, which can be used to revive living beings shortly after their death afterward. All soul weavers are members of a guild that monitors compliance with the present legal regulations.



A prospective soul weaver needs an elemental affinity for spirit and master level access to soul energy. An apprenticeship, internship with a practicing soul weaver, and a suitability test are mandatory to get legal permission to practice as a soul weaver.

Career Progression

  1. Soul weaver apprentice
  2. Soul weaver trainee
    Within the internship, the trainee will practice the learned spells on a small scale. At the end of the internship, the trainee needs to take a suitability test in front of selected members of the local guild, which will determine their further career progression.
  3. Soul weaver or practicing soul weaver
    The profession description in this stage depends on the outcome of the suitability test. If it fails, the profession is called soul weaver with the permission to craft empty soul gems and purify used soul gems. If it succeeds, the profession is called practicing soul weaver with the permission to perform soul bindings in addition to all permitted actions for the soul weaver. Only a practicing soul weaver can advance to the master soul weaver.
  4. Master soul weaver
    Only master soul weavers have the permission to access trainees in the suitability test and to train apprentices.

Payment & Reimbursement

Depending on the outcome of the suitability test, there are two types of payment.
  1. Soul weavers sell polished and recycled empty soul gems to practicing soul weavers in exchange for used soul gems or money.
  2. Practicing soul weaver ...
    • ... sell filled soul gems to customers in exchange for used soul gems or money.
    • ... sell used soul gems to soul weavers in exchange for empty or recycled soul gems or money



Soul weaver provides the possibility to revive a loved one as long as they haven't died due to natural circumstances.

Social Status

The perception of this profession is split in half. On the one hand, there are people that are grateful for them as they have helped their family to revive a loved one. For those, it is considered a highly respected profession. On the other hand, there are people that haven't needed the services of a soul weaver yet and therefore don't have a high perception of them. They consider soul weavers as assassins that don't value the life of other individuals.



A practicing soul weaver needs a logbook that tracks the number of active soul gems so the guild can verify that the present legal regulations are met. The logbook is also used as a precaution to prevent any accessive soul energy drainage.

Tools for the creation of empty soul gems:
  • Glass pane
  • Sanding powder in various grits
  • Polishing cloth
For the soul binding and soul gem recycling process, some kind of holder like a leather bracelet is needed to attach the soul gem near the hands of the soul weaver while performing the corresponding spell.


As most essential material quartz is needed to manufacture the empty vessels. Additionally, sacrificial souls are needed to fill the empty soul gems with life energy.


A soul weavers workshop is divided into three sections: storage, crafting, and meditation area.
The storage area contains gem storage in the form of crates for raw quartz, shelves for polishing cloth and jars of sanding powder, and a trough for water. Additionally, it has a section with fabric padded shelves where ongoing and finished projects are stored until they are either collected or shipped to the customer. The crafting area contains a spacious workbench with a magnifying glass. The meditation area is custom-made to the personal needs of the individual Soul Weaver and can therefore feature various appearances.
The profession is legal, but the practitioner must comply with the present legal restrictions concerning the number of manufactured items. Legal limits were made to preserve the natural soul energy balance and prevent severe health impairments.


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Jan 8, 2022 15:07

Great article. I love how you elaborate the career progression and the details in the workplace description.