Summer Camp 2021 Pledge Document

Written by Tatze

This is the first event I'll participate in within the World Anvil community. Although I joined the community in March of this year, I haven't made much progress within my world - primarily due to overwhelmedness and the fact that English isn't my mother tongue. Because of this, my main goal for the Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2021 is to make progress and get inspired.  

The Project and its Goals

The one and currently the only world is Etheriel which has several project goals. The now set goals for Etheriel are:
  1. Create an immersive world that is suitable and usable for follow-on projects of various kinds.
  2. Actively create and explore a fictional world through a non-GM adapted RPG system.
  3. Reduce stress levels and improve mental health through storytelling in a fictional world.
  The third goal is currently the most important one alongside the second goal, which serves as a method for the creative process.  

The World and its Areas

As previously mentioned, the one and currently the only world is Etheriel. Etheriel is a fictional world that we - the world co-owner and I - create and explore through a non-GM adapted RPG-System. The world is mostly build bottom-up starting with the immediate surroundings of our characters Aradhorm and Nael.   Due to the goal to use the world for follow-on projects, the world is set private to prevent any spoilers. The only public articles will be the event articles. I'll consider writing a world primer to provide a better understanding of the world's contents for new readers, depending on the prompt's topic.   It isn't easy to choose a specific area to limit the worldbuilding to as the world isn't that big at this point. Because of this, I won't restrict the scope to a specific area. I'll work on the section that feels right for the prompt and comfortable for me.  

Completion Goal

I've wanted to aim for the Diamond Achievement, but I'll cut the goal to the Silver Achievement to prevent stress. All prompts above the Silver Achievement aren't mandatory but nice to have. A list of completed articles can be found within the Summer Camp 2021 Completion Tracker.  

Writing Time

The writing time will vary from day to day. Due to work, from Monday to Friday, I'll write in the early morning or afternoon. At weekends it can be freely planned into the schedule depending on the home tasks that need to be done.   The time that is needed per prompt is dependent on the theme of the prompt and its complexity. Therefore I can only set the final writing time after the prompts reveal.  

Support Network

My most significant support is my boyfriend, who is also the co-owner of Etheriel.   The knowledge I've gathered during my studies is an additional support network component. The helpful knowledge is, in this case, time management, project management, video game development, and coordinating creative processes.   I can draw inspiration for the content of the articles from books like Die Seiten der Welt by Kai Meyer, game lore like The Elder Scrolls, video games like Final Fantasy), movies like Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky, series like Iroduku: The World in Colors, and music like Two in the Ruins by PelleK and Raon Lee.

Articles under Summer Camp 2021 Pledge Document


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