Summer Camp 2024 Pledge Document

A last-minute pledge for this year's Summer Camp!   Last year's worldbuilding didn't work out as I envisioned. I had difficulties coming up with ideas for the set prompts for the current state of the world, and the lack of time and motivation has decimated the time and output of creative writing. This year, the world is in a transitioning stage, as I'm trying to switch things up to make worldbuilding more manageable for me. Still, I'm working on those changes, so I'm once again aiming for at least copper but promised myself not to be stressed or frustrated about it when I don't meet the goal.   As always, a list of completed articles can be found within the Summer Camp 2024 Completion Tracker, which will be updated continuously as I write articles.  


This year's themes have a rather large scope, with a view on the current state of my world. However, I will try my best to integrate the given opportunities into Etheriel's current environment without adding too many new areas and nonconnected content, as the list of currently pending stubs is kind of overwhelming to look at.


Change can have various facets. The types of change that would fit the most are changes on a character level, environmental level, or societal level. Examples for each of the level of view can be found below:
  • character level: character growth, tragedies and drama on a personal level, changes in surrounding groups of characters
  • environmental level: changes across the terrain after natural or supernatural disasters, more drastic shifts in temperature and weather
  • societal level: shifts in power (e.g. new leaders, death of influential characters), new discoveries


Throughout Etheriel, there are several refuges, naturally shielded areas with unique properties that occur anywhere where multiple soul energy veins cross each other. Apart from those physical refuges, I consider building upon cultural traditions surrounding arts, music, and entertainment or natural means like gardening and such that could provide comfort and mental refuge for some individuals. In this category, I'll have to keep in mind that what comfort and safety mean for one person or culture may induce opposite connotations and feelings for others. Also, it isn't uncommon that a refuge, physical or mental, may be misused to put pressure on someone.


There is currently one central belief or religious system present - the Followers of the Elements, also known as Elementaris. Before introducing new or opposing religions, I would instead refine the rudimentary present religious system to keep it simple. Points to build upon for Elementaris:
  • flesh out gods and goddesses
  • create shrines and temples
  • expand on traditions and rituals


Decay is a rather complicated matter in the current state of Etheriel. There is decay in terms of the progression of seasons as well as the natural death of living creatures, but most of the present groups of people are not fleshed out enough to introduce moral decay or physical decay of settlements without further ado. Within this category, I'll look at the prompts and then decide what may fit based on the given information.

Articles under Summer Camp 2024 Pledge Document


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