The Phantom Watcher

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  After diligently following the riddle of the Willow, I make my way to the old abandoned graveyard a couple of miles away from Veridale.   Nobody visits it anymore and for good reason. The abandoned crypt in the center is said to be haunted. I guess it’s time to find out if this is for real or just a spooky story for kids.   As I spot the first couple of graves between the trees and shrubbery, I immediately feel uneasy. And no, it’s not only the low-hanging fog that creepily crawls between the tombstones.   A couple more steps and there it is, eerily looming from the mist: the abandoned crypt.   I gather my courage and open the metal gate that blocks the staircase down into the burial chamber.   SCREEEECH!   That was way louder than I anticipated and I hope that didn’t wake whatever may lurk in the shadows.   I slowly go down the stairs and as I’m about to enter the central chamber, I hear another sound.   wooooooooooooo…   A long wail, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere.   And there it comes, slithering out of the ground, a translucent blue-ish figure. I stumble backwards, about to run. But my legs no longer follow my command.   With a horrible voice that sounds like death itself, the phantom says:  
In the shadow of the crow, the tower’s secret shall be known. Seek the moon’s reflection in a sea of despair.
  And with that, it disappears again. Leaving the crypt empty and me alone with my thoughts.   The tower’s secret…   A sea of despair…   What am I supposed to do with this?  

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