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Etherium is the name of the game; the setting is comprised of three planets connected to each other by interdimensional gates. These planets are Terra, and Vruanhai, and Yalasra, all a blend of varying levels of fantasy and sci-fi.    

Terra & The Sol System

Terra is Earth, but not as one is familiar with in our modern times. Set many millennia in the future, it is a technologically advanced world which incorporates the arcana and psionics of its peoples into everyday life.   A cataclysm shook the world in 3050 AD, resulting in a volcanic chain reaction and resulting winter that lasted [most of a century,] which forced the humans who hadn't fled the planet to take refuge underground for several generations. Having survived the apocalyptic events, humanity had to mostly start over. The bounds of countries changed, cultures merged, dissolved, and evolved, and all in all people took a different, less destructive course of life.   As civilization re-evolved and technology took vast leaps and bounds, Terrans sought ways to expand their horizons, and looked towards the stars.   Luna was the first celestial body to be colonized. While it is not terraformed, and there are no plans to do so, it hosts a small multitude of inhabited colonies on its planet-facing side.   Mars came next, bombarded by essential substances and bacteria and other processes to form a stable atmosphere which could support terraformation. In the current times, it is a fully formed, viable planet, colonized and settled by many humans. It maintains interstellar trade with its sister planets and the surrounding void colonies.   Venus was second to be terraformed, after the planet was artificially cooled and the gasses wrangled under control. A massive solar shield orbitally locked around the planet protects it from the sun, while still allowing enough life-giving light to filter through. High-rise cities are common, built into towering pillar-mountains. Like Mars, Venus maintains interstellar trade and relations with its neighbors.


Vruanhai is where Terrans of eld crash-landed after they took their leave of ancient Earth. It is a fair deal larger than Terra, with somewhat lighter gravity, homed in the far-flung galaxy of Vlaridi, in the system Sharia. Vruanhai is home to numerous species, most notably the diverged Shadreagh, the Veran, and the Ss'akan. Wanting to find their ancestral home, humans who managed to settle on Vruanhai toiled for a great many years, and when they rediscovered Terra among the cosmos, a lefvada-based portal was woven to reach it.   The first of the Gates was later created, after initial tensions relaxed and relations were formed between Vruanhaians and modern Terrans. Thanks to these relationships, both planets have greatly prospered. Vruanhai is markedly more peaceful than any other planet in the known realms, though still holds its share of dangers and troubles.


The world of Yalasra is a dangerous one. Primarily tropical and sub-tropical, it has only one desert (the kingdom of Solimensis), with some supernaturally-reinforced polar caps. Primarily land, it has just one large ocean and a somewhat smaller sea, though it does have plenty of lakes and rivers - including a canal that lines the entire equator, separating the northern content from the southern content. Spinning in the opposite direction of Earth, Yalasra's sun rises in the west and sets in the east, and as it is much closer to its sun (making it a fairly warm-to-hot place to live), it also has a shorter year (311 days long). It is larger than Earth, about half again as large overall, with a slightly slower rotation, but its gravity, while heavy enough to be uncomfortable to those of Earth, is not harmful.   Filled to the brim with the incredible power that underlies reality, many are born with the ability to utilize this - a force which Yalasrans commonly refer to as alkos (translates literally as 'cosmic energy').
(This setting is a heavy work in progress. Feel free to browse, but please do not "borrow" content.)