Federation Economy in Ethnis | World Anvil

Federation Economy



Division of Economic Affairs

With the amount of planets constantly joining the Federation, counting what resources the Banner has becomes an issue. In order to keep track of available resources for trade and for internal production, the Federation operates an economic division that constantly balances and adjusts the economic output of all contributing planets. The resources managed by the DEA are often raw resource as that is what most younger colonies can contribute and need help getting to market. More seasoned planets often regulate their own exports and resources, as they are larger and have the capacity to do such.  


Where the Federation lacks in raw military strength, they make up for it in bulk economy and export-focused trade. Inter-banner trade became the Federations first line of defense. The Banners largest export is raw materials and labor technologies such as Digger's Shovels and other mining equipment. The Division of Economic Affairs encourages new planets to establish trade-networks quickly through incentive programs and seats in the Senate.   These trade benefits not only gives the planet a healthier economy but also makes the planet more visible. Attacks can not go unnoticed if other banners lose a trade partner because of it. A downside of this incentivization to trade is a lack of regulation. Many planets in the Federation can end up in trade wars over larger partners. These economic battles are the most heard grievance in the Senate, many end in Federation intervention and trade brokering.
Universal BDP
16% of Universal Product  
Military Spending
3.23% of Entire BDP

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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