Federation Military in Ethnis | World Anvil

Federation Military


Most armies you can tell what's going to go down. You can look at someone, they have a gun, you know they gonna shoot you. When you're facing The Archive, not so simple. I once saw a dapper-looking Archive Regent knock out an entire platoon with a couple swings of his hand. All he had was a baseball bat.
— Unknown Federation Recruit


The Federation's military strategy takes into consideration its lack of strategic depth and promises to defend its constituents no matter the size. The division of its forces in planet-run militia also plays into the Federations tactics. Mobilization is the Federations first priority, and the Banners war Engine assists with predictive engagement and multi-planet rally points. Essentially if one planet is under threat, the Senate war Chambers and engine will raise the nearest armies to engage.   More distant planets will raise portions of their army, readying them to send in case reinforcements are needed or other planets nearby are attacked. The Federation also has a Banner-wide force, consisting of those who volunteer to join. They are funded by each planets voluntary contributions, though high contributions to this banner-wide force can allow more seats to be gained in the Senate.  



The arsenal of the Federation varies from planet to planet. The Banner-wide force consists of the most prominent fighters of the Federation equipped with the best protection that can be afforded. The major military planets of the banner contribute 75% of this force; peerless Undaunted warriors, Archive Regents, Perdurian Arms, and Manne-kyn fleets all come together to form a small but surgical elite force.   The Planetary militias are a far different story than the banner-wide forces. While some are well-equipped, most planets can not afford to hold an organized army. There is some assistance from the Federation in retaining an operational militia, but troops who have to rely on this are often times outgunned and outmanned by even the most basic of Banner armies and navies.   As the new Banner on the Universal Block, The Federation is well aware of the threats that surround it. They are small and decentralized, with each planet varying widely in both skills and equipment. A system of raising and unifying forces was crafted. A banner-wide chamber of leaders was formed, pulled from the military hierarchy of all planets able to contribute to the war effort. With the assistance of their own tactical Engine, this cabinet of war-leaders organizes the levying and commanding of the multi-planet militia.  

Prized Units

  Digger Co. Planet Crackers. These massive mecha based units are originally intended for asteroid mining or for mining planets which have heavy resources but no livable situations. However, because of experimentation on Artosen's part, Perduro quickly learned that these planet crackers were also fantastic ship destroyers. These units are often converted to wield armor, and are used in conjunction with other units to shut down an invasion before any boots hit the soil.   Undaunted Gutwrencher thrive in battle, using their meta-based powers in combination with giant mechanizations of all tech types these warriors are sent as a first and last resort. When the Planet Crackers can't stop an invasion, the Undaunted Gutwrenchers squash any invaders into the ground.   Manne-Kyn super units, are never found in battlefields nor are they found even in their own territory. Instead, Manne-Kyn super units are found behind enemy lines, often in civilian centers. These organized spies seduce, infiltrate, and assassinate their way into their enemies infrastructure. They can shut down an invasion before it is even in motion.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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