LifeStreamer Profession in Ethnis | World Anvil


You've got these kids, they grow up watching LifeStreamers and they say "this is what life is supposed to be like, I'm supposed to grow up watching people, I'm supposed to always perform like there's a camera on me, and I'm supposed to burn out."

Sleepy Abigail
Former LifeStreamer

Oh the word is new but the concept goes back as far as you can imagine.

Æthernet Historian

LifeStreamers are entertainers who put most or all of their life on display for others to watch. Most project a very genuine attitude in what they do, regardless of how performative their stream is.

Most mature viewers generally assume that lifestreamers are performative artists, but they come under criticism for their sway over more impressionable, younger audiences.

It is illegal everywhere but within the Federation for minors to Lifestream.

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