Null Voids are any region where there is total void, such as in space. In Null Void there is also no ambient Meta to draw from.
Psiolic which wish to travel in Null Void and retain their power must bring a supply of Meta with them on their Wayships, otherwise their existant Meta will slowly evaporate and, eventually, their soul will degrade and fade away.
Next time they land on a world, their soul will return and their meta will follow.
Only Monolith are immune to Null Void, as they produce meta. For the same reason, Divinorium still function.
There is hidden RPG content on this article.
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Good questions! I've addressed them in the ongoing article about souls here:
The Soul
A battery of meta and memories which all Sophont have. It appears somewhere during puberty, triggered by some junction between self-awareness and interacting with other Sophont with Souls.