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Pillar Lookout Post

High up on Waimana Valley's eastern valley wall a small monitoring post built into the mountainside has grown over with a decade of abandonment. Old equipment rusts in the moisture, and ivy threatens to crush in the durable plexiglass windows.

Pushing through the fern-choked passage, you come across a stretch of shaped metal steps made slippery by moss. Rust makes the handrails dangerous to use, but thankfully the steps remain sturdy underneet your boots.

At the top of the stairs, a sliding door clunks at your approach, jammed by the vines growing into the mechanisms. With a firm shove, you force the door open and make your way inside the illuminated interior. A single motion activiated light flickers on, before sputtering right back out. The only illumination comes from the overcast sky outside.

It's enough for you to see the remains of what was once a bed and mini-kitchenette. The Metal bits marred by rust, the other bits moldy and dank. It looks like someone was expected to live here at one point.

On the valley-facing side, old plexiglass panes creak underneath the invasion of vines and forest plants. The viewing port sports a pair of mounted bionoculars, and some notes have been scribbled onto the glass in what looks like some kind of marker.


The Pillar Lookout is an old valley watch post for the WorldBiotic Corporation. It's responsibilities were to look for any anomalies in the terraformation and to document the geological and biological changes occuring the valley.

It has long since been abandoned, but being built in the mountainside, it has managed to survive the hardships of the weather below and will provide safe-haven from the cold temperature and weather outside.


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