Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Selfcasting Meta Disorder

SMD is a rare metaphysical degenerative disease that causes the meta built up within someones soul to leak into a constant and uncontrollable spell. The leaking Meta can cause a litany of different effects, but because it is uncontrolled it casts in the immediate area only, and impacts the host the worst.

Selfcasting Meta Disorder can be transmitted via Auric Echos, casting of Meta, or from too long of exposure with an infected soul. It can be prevented by purging the soul, but if left unattended for too long, the Disorder can return even after the soul is purged.

"Alright class, todays lecture is all about SMD. Something you've all no doubt heard of in your Meta-education classes," the Aen professor reached below his lectern and pulled from it a small clay pot. He set it on the table for all of us to see.

"Imagine that this," he tapped on the lid of the pot,"is your soul, and the water inside represents your Meta."

"A normal soul works just like a pot, it holds your meta and contains it until you decide to pour it from yourself in a spell" In demonstration, he poured some of the water from the pot into a glass.

"Now if you are exposed to SMD, the disease will eat away at your walls weaken until eventually," With a claw, he punctured a hole in the pot, and a stream of water started to dribble out. "You spring a leak."

"Now imagine this water being a metaphysical spell. A combination heat spell being cast within yourself, or a destruction spell decaying your blood or bones without you being able to control it. Very Nasty"

"If I were to empty this pot by removing the 'meta', the spell stops casting but the leak still remains. In order to treat the disease, the pot itself must be patched, but removing the Meta is a way to prevent the symptoms."

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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