Sketark'kai's Sepulchre

Sketark'kai's Divinorium is located in the heart of Dratien DeitanBatant, where it floats, suspended in a lattice prism Sepulchre.

Sketark'kai died protecting Taboo during Sketark'kai's Gamble, in which an flotilla of Valuser'ran Supremacy airships attacked the city in an attempt to kill Taboo, the sacred beast.

He overinvoked his Monolithic powers, summoning a great storm to drive back the airships, and was turned into a statue by the attempt. The statue floats within the prism, barely visible through the thick fog of meta it emanates. This meta cascades down over the steps of a raised dais, and down through channels and from fountains, dispersing into fog and then into nothingness.


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Cover image: ValuSelu Pact Default Cover by Ademal


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