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Taboo's Chosen

Taboo's chosen were a group of Leviathan who protected and served Taboo until her bitter end. They mostly exist as myth in modern times, although Hiive remains in hiding to this day as a leader of a druidic order of Sorrows.

Taboo chose about a dozen different druidic proteges in her time. There were only about four alive at a time, each trained by her in the hidden arts of becoming a Leviathan — this was back when the methods were only just being rediscovered by Taboo and Brood together.

The Chosen were hand-picked not just to protect the wilderness of the Nege, but to eventually launch an assault on the Pantheons of the world. Let it not be forgotten than they are considered terrorists by history

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

The Chosen

Presents as a trudging hive of insects lead by an insect god at its center. Still alive, last seen on Venua
Character | Jul 13, 2024
Alcona with 12-Wings
Presents as a Feathered CloudSkipper Kite hiding among storm clouds. Shot down by Aempis during the Pillar Crisis.
An IdSartan Sighre with four arms and two tails. Killed in battle with Debuk'kwah.
--Felth::A tech-obsessed Leviathan who has not been seen since the start of the Lacuna.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jul 14, 2024 21:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Interesting. Hiive sounds both terrifying and really cool?

Aug 19, 2024 04:03 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's interesting that they protect nature (typically seen as a good thing), but are historically considered terrorists. Nice contrast. Also, I like your article layout.

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