The 4th Panel Organization in Ethnis | World Anvil

The 4th Panel

The 4th Panel is a cabal of spies within the ValuSelu Pact. Their allegiance is to Jhoutai and its colonies, but there's an undercurrent of Aempian nationalism tied into any discussion of their history and motives.

The 4th Panel began within the prefecture of Aempis circa 19450 CS among the elite families—particularly Tor Jadey and Tor Bhato—as a way to operate beyond the watchful eye of the Valuser'ran Supremacy, which at the time controlled the whole of the Amujnalden and FalguMer'rh continental regions.

It is rumored among invested historians that the 4th Panel was trained directly by the Malisyk Cult in the Malisyk Blood Arts—descriptions of which range from the occult to the grotesque. All of the nightmarish tales once associated with the Malisyk have long since migrated to the 4th Panel, including sacrifice, torture, and cannibalism.

The 4th Panel was not even spoken of to the population of Aempis until after the @rila

Parent Organization

Cover image: ValuSelu Pact Default Cover by Ademal


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