The Crescendo Era in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Crescendo Era

Setting the Stage

The circumstance which lead up to the Sazashi Revolution began long before the Sazashi themselves were even a concept, let alone a Sophont. It began with Alephus Ashiman. His family was one of the more well-known and esteemed among House Daem, and were a favorite for the next Casting of Names.  

Cast in the name of Ashiman

When the Casting of Names came, few wanted to contest their right to the house. As changes of power went, it was one of the smoothest in Verin history. They were contested, and took significant losses, but eventually pulled through and were able to secure victory and their place.   Alephus, as the eldest and most accomplished non-ancient within their family, was a natural fit to bear the Sacred Seal of Sovereignty and lead the Ancient Haimarchy for the next millennium.  

Metaphysical Advancement

One of Alephus' first advancements was to make Metaphysical education a common right and to standardize the practices of the houses for intercommunication. While there was some resistance, this concept took off quickly, and within just a few decades the amount ot Psiolic multiplied massively.   Soon, he had a small army of Psiolic to aid him in his next goal: the escalation of Therianthropy from a tool of the nobility to a common, widespread tech. He saw a weakness in the fabric of Verin society, a need for physical labor en-masse for the sake of mining, exploring the Corralums, and building. His experiment was the Sighre—an adapted form of intelligent Sazakraht with increased intelligence and dexterity.   From there he created the Ka, a more compact and Verin-shaped cousin to the Sighre.   Last came the Hiserabi.   Both the Ka and the Sighre became an integral part of Verin infrastructure and industry. Building via magic, an expensive aspect of Verin society was made much more efficient by the introduction of this builder species.   Although Alephus turned his attentions to other aspects of Verin society, the rest of his house continued to build Sazashi to fulfill all of the various economic niches and needs of their society—or more often the whims of the nobility. The Ral-Mi, Aeosyk, Shejlt-Rajh, and Parisan were made to defend the nobility against growing sentiment against the upper class, while the Nasyk and Khirmagne were made to explore the greater world—lands which the Verin could not due to constant predation by Sazakraht.   Helyk were made among the last, and it all began to end with the Aen.  

The Descent into Brutality

During his Sovereignty, Alephus kept a close eye on the development of the Sazashi to ensure that their creation was done with respect and with intelligent foresight for the future, Unfortunately, his successor did not agree with all of his methods, and so began to "decommission" Sazashi he viewed as "unnecessary" to the Verin dream, especially as other meta automation became commonplace.   Sighre were to the first to be decommissioned. All Sighre within their borders were slaughtered, though some still survived unbeknownst to the Haimarchy—defectors on the mainland.   The Aeosyk were decommissioned on the mainland, and the rest were thrown into the Nege. The Hiserabi received much the same fate, though some managed to escape to the Nege.   After that, the Nictipagua were made, and the wholesale slaughter of Sazashi began.   The Aen, who saw their fate spelled out, worked with the secret resistance of Hiserabi to coordinate efforts against the Haimarchy, sabotaging it. Their main weapon was, first, language, in that they created Saza Chitter as a secret way to communicate against the Haimarchy.  

The Battle Begins

Pro-Sazashi enthusiasts joined sides with the Sazashi to prevent their extermination, cueing one of the bloodiest wars of Verin history. Entire families were lost to bloodshed on both sides of the conflict. Sazashi gathered into groups of their own Kinds and formed armies under the direction of the Premiers of their kind. Nobles, Alephus and Euphraesthi among them, turned against their own banner to fight, and Eupha killed the Sovereign, further plummeting the war into chaos as it opened up a power void between the families.   Nictipagua slayed Sazashi by the platoon. Voryg-Thy and Vinhibrani became the names of nightmares for the Sazashi forces. Heroes rose among the Sazashi and Alephus armed them with weapons of his own design and creation—Metkrah, Siozyn, Marianiyah, Khytask, Debuk'kwah, Sketarchi, Tigari, and more.   From the Shejtl-Rajh rose a hero, the Grandmaster of Light Nictipagua slayed Sazashi by the platoon. Voryg-Thy and Vinhibrani became the names of nightmares for the Sazashi forces. Heroes rose among the Sazashi and Alephus armed them with weapons of his own design and creation—Metkrah, Siozyn, Marianiyah, Khytask, Debuk'kwah, Sketarchi, Tigari, and more.   From the Shejtl-Rajh rose a hero, the Grandmaster of Light was able to wear down Voryg-Thy in battle and to slay him.   Euphraesthi found the Sacred Seal of Sovereignty and wore it into the final battle with Vinhibrani and the other remaining Nictipagua. She is said to have fallen in the battle, but the fact that magic remains on Jhoutai stands to suggest otherwise...  
  • Verin driven back to Verra
  • Legacy

    Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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