The Khirmagne are a Kind of Sazashi. They were designed by the Vadakendanic Procession to survive in what others would consider uninhabitable.
A Khirmagne's hardiness in unrivaled, reinforced digestive systems, physical strength and advanced filtration organs combine to ensure that no matter how bad a land may be, a Khirmagne can be found making it livable.
Khirmange's survivability was acheived by not only using Sazakraht genes, but the Laughing Night as well. This gives them a more rugged and alien look compared to other Sazashi, which can lead to a detrimental reputation.
Common Banners
ValuSelu PactFederation of Free Planets
Uncommon Banners
Church of The SomnolentVanthric Haimarchy
Jupiter Syndicate
These are a really fascinating species. I love the idea that they can utilise ingested poisons in their own self-defence. That's such a cool aspect of these guys!
Explore Etrea