The Lancing of Jerusalem

The Lancing of Jerusalem—also known to some as The Last Day on Earth, was a harrowing false-flag attack executed against Jerusalem by Valuser'ran terrorists disguised as Aempian Jhoutigari at end of the Advent War.

During the attack, Mero Tmir Tor Saujalus acted on behalf of the Valuser'ran Grandmaster of Light Iconoclast

Were it not for Earthling and Aempian diplomats working desperately to prevent further war, Valuser'rh may have been successful in re-igniting the war—it is believed that if the war had dragged out any longer, Aempis would be forced to split its forces between a distant war with Earth and a domestic war with Valuser'rh.

And I saw in the sky the eye of the sun,

but the sun it had set.

And I prayed to my God with my fists in my eyes and I said

"please, don't let this be it".

And oh, how we learned,

as Jersualem burned

Just how bad it can get.

— Jakob the Drifter
From his album, "Walks Though Hell"

Only weeks after the Treaty of New York was signed, the tentative peace between the shaken humanity and the overdrawn Aempis forces was just beginning to settle in many minds.

It was a fateful night in which an unidentified Aempis shuttle flew over the City of Jerusalem, and launched a devestating Meta immolation bomb that completely leveled a massive portion of the city.

The destruction of the historic city was met with cries for war, something that Aempis could not survive. As both sides prepared to fight once more, Hierus Nomen along with several all high-ranking officals came forward to reveal that the bombing was a plot set in place by the Grandmaster of Light in an attempt to weaken Aempis and gain control over the now vulnerable Earth.


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