Wild Polydactyl Domesticated Tiger

Described by historians as a "delightfully bad idea with comically predictable outcome", Wild Polydactyl Domesticated Tiger are a species of tiger bred in what was once Texas in an attempt to create a domestic tiger for private ownership. They are one of the few species to flourish during the Holocene Collapse, with a native spread all across the Americas.

While small in stature compared to their Tiger ancestry, Domestic Tigers are still most certainly a large cat. They're about as large as a Great Dane, with a lean build and functioning thumbs. To the Sazashi, the discovery of this species on Earth was quite a novelty, as they bear a minor resemblance to the naturally evolved Sazakraht of their home world.

As previously mentioned, these Tigers were intentionally bred in the American South, where the proliferation of a black market of exotic animals spurred the breeding and hybridization of big cats in an attempt to create a domestic breed for legal sale. The Domestic Tiger was by no means a success in that regard, but the name stuck to the species regardless. As their names indicate, they are also Polydactyl, meaning that they have an additional finger — a thumb. This allows them to work windows, doors, and most complicated fastenings.

Polytigers are about 1.2m at the shoulders, with a body length of 2 to 3 meters. Though their bulk is a far cry of their massive ancestors in India, they're still plentiful threat to livestock and people alike, and are infamous for attacking the infirm and the young. They should be treated with extreme caution and prejudice if encountered, and if you ever see signs that they have broken into your home, it's recommended that you find a specialist to suss out where in your house they may be laying in ambush.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jul 14, 2024 22:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Why would you give cats thumbs? Nooooo. XD

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