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Session I The depth of the cathacomb Report

General Summary

The session started in a tavern in which all the players started to get information related to a certain ancient book, of course, all except the half-orc knight who was more concerned about his drink than the task at hand. The occult man who had the booking his possession fled to the cemetery and Alexander with Mayeadith followed right back. Fabinho left behind fell asleep next to his trusted companion the dire wolf but his slumber was disturbed when he awoke in the middle of an underground tomb. Mayedith and alexander found their way inside with great difficulty, but eventually managed to get to the main chamber of the catacombs where together with Fabinho defeated the cloaked figure leading the revival of the undead.

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeated novice necromancer killed a total of 8 skeletons

Character(s) interacted with

interacted with an old occult man


Fabinho used an excessive amount of alcohol lead to great loss of memory and spacial awareness
The Search for the Old World
Level 2 Half - Orc Chaotic Neutral Knight
(Abandoned because of ugliness)
34 / 40 HP
Kore Alune
Level 1 Dark Elf Lawful Evil Rogue
(Assasin )
/ 8 HP
Alexander the Great
Level 1 Lapine Lawful Good Arcanist
23 / 35 HP
Report Date
27 Mar 2020
Primary Location


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