BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Farm

The Sun was atop the sky radiating away feeding the hungry plants desperate for warmth. Vast fertile lands where spread along the land seemingly rich, but the cold winds where reminding young Mordred that winter was slowly approaching and with it the promise of a great harvest, but he stood undefeated because he knew that he was ready for what was to come. The soil was moist and cold, but the harvest still endured. Mordred was thankful as he needs it to survive the harsh grasp of ice that was to come and most importantly he needed it to make sure that his mother will do the same. He kept toiling away at the field thinking of what was to come when a small wisp from the forest caught his eye. He looked closer to see what all the ruckus was about and what he saw froze his heart. Tall, green brutish orcs were preparing for an attack.
"Orcs! So far into Dyan territory?" Impossible he though, there was no way they could be here, but yet there they stood, unflinching and ready to raid. Mordred rushed to the guard's post to tell them what he saw. Even though wary they quickly mobilized and rushed the fiends. Their assault was lead by a ten knight proud and ready to win. They fought valiantly and with great might. Steel against steel, sparks flew red and black blood was spilled, but the ten knights stood strong even as his allies fell he was undaunted, unbroken. He faced them all with courage and power. He was the very definition of a knight. Mordred was left speechless basking at his glory. His sheer willpower shrunk the very soul of the orcs leaving them cowering but they were still ready to fight their instincts making them even more vicious when afraid. One was ready to strike his exposed back, but he turned quickly leading to a swift mortal strike, but more came surrounding him leaving no space for error. One finally found an opening and just as he was to hit a long sword comes out of his gut. Behind him stood Mordred half shivering, but grasping the longsword firmly and with determination with another strike he cut of the orcs head. The knight with renewed passion pushed the gang of orcs back or at least what was left to it. They scattered and fled like the cravens they were.
The knight turned to Mordred and gave him a solemn nod. He nodded back. He looked around him a so the desecrated land those monsters left, the whole harvest destroyed now how was he supposed to help his mother. WAIT his mother. Was she safe. She ran back to the cottage only to find broken furniture and the signs of a struggle. The orcs took everything from him. His land, his harvest, his very own mother. He stood there half in a daze wishing it all to be just a dream a figment of his imagination, but he knew this is real he knew there was nothing he could do. And yet he swore to leave none of those orc filths alive. He would rid Ethos of the greenskins without mercy without peace.
The knight came to him and offered him a hand. He gladly took it at since that day onward he became a knight sworn to defend the weak and defeat the strong.


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