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The Spirit Knight

Ser Mordred Kosmas

Physical Description

Body Features

Many scars cover his body, but most are hidden by his armour.

Special abilities

Can use any type of weapon

Apparel & Accessories

Wears his Spirit Knight armour all the time as according to him he is always working.

Specialized Equipment

Weapon grandmaster

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mordred lived as a peasant boy, at first merely scraping by with the small earnings he was making each day. He took much care of his sick mother who was always by his side since he was a small child. He would go out and work the land and when he was done, he would go every day and fight with sticks, hitting trees who he thought of as vagrants. He idolized the idea of a knight, he considered it the most noble and worthy profession nay duty anyone can hold. So he fought thinking of himself as a knight and hoping one day he can be one.

One day, while he was working the land, tilling slowly and carefully his eye, caught the sight moving shadows in the nearby forest. They seemed to get closer and closer and out of fear he called at the stationed guards for help. They rushed back and as he feared a gang of orcs was reading the land. The soldier rushed valiantly and a fierce battle started with many orcs and many humans laying dead. The commanding knight fought with much valor repelling any orcs that got close, but he didn't catch the eye of one nimble orc trying to attack him from behind. Mordred fearing the worse grabbed a sword laying on the floor and stuck it deep in the unsuspecting orc. After a moment of hesitation, Mordred kept going slashing and hacking the orc without mercy. The other orcs seeing such a gruesome display were taken aback, but the knight didn't leave them much time to think and skewered them with ease.
Mordred run quickly back to his cottage only to find a hollow, empty room that died red with blood, but his mother was nowhere to be seen. And as he stood there kneeling and with furious tears in his eyes, he swore he won't spare any of those who dare harm the weak.

He was taken under the protecting wing of the knight who protected his village and whit much work and determination he rose to become the spirit knight himself, but yet still fueled by his passion or some with call it blind rage.

Gender Identity





Learned from one of the best ten knights


Spirit Knight Zero Knight Knight

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated many orcs and outlaws with amazing ferocity

Failures & Embarrassments

Couldn't save his mother

Mental Trauma

Traumatised after the death of his mother.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Will stop at nothing to kill the enemies of his country.


Hates stagnation Dislikes calmness and sirenity

Personality Characteristics


Want to defeat the enemies of Dyss, but above all he wants to atone for the death of his mother.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
854 21 Years old
Long black with red endings
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.79 m
70 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Death is the only thing that ever embraced me.
Fight because you must!!!
Known Languages
Dyan Common


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