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The Summon

The day was bright, the sun was burning bright enough to cover the gloomy atmosphere of all the messy streets of Artis people were outside enjoying the weather, but not Carthaphylus. Carthaphylus was enjoying this beautiful day deep into research locked into his alchemical shack at the outskirts of the city with the help of his faithful apprentice Kastor. "Kastor my boy brings the dark essence." said Carthaphylus with a jovial smile on his face.
"Are you sure this is, as they say, stable." asked Kastor with a worried expression on his face.
"Stable? Since when do we do stable?" a smile arose on his face
"Shouldn't we do experiments that fall into the regulations of the Academy?"
"This is perfectly under regulations just like any normal dark essence experiment."
"Yeah, I doubt that."
"Don't worry the summoning of the demons is completely safe."
"The what!" he gasped with shock
"As I said perfectly safe, now hand me the chalk."
Kastor handed him the chalk then he immediately started scribbling some ancient runes and symbols that he didn't recognize. Carthaphylus rushed to the dark essence and the swiftly threw it on the symbols in one quick motion. It all seemed like a blur, but the symbols quickly lit up.
"Ah yes now all we need is a sacrifice."
"And what are you planning to sacrifice?"
"Please stand back for this."
"Alright." Kastor went into the other room to observe from afar.
"Some blood should suffice." Carthaphylus pulled out a dagger and cut his palm letting the red liquid sprout forward.
"Almighty Princes of the underworld heed my call and open a portal to your realm!" he spoke in a demonic dialect that sounded more like grunts than words. And suddenly a small portal formed. Carthaphylus was waiting impatiently for something to happen and it surely did as a blast of magic knocked Carthaphylus on his back. Half dazed he tried to get back up only to be knocked back down by a leather boot. When he looked up he saw a red face with small fangs and longhorns, the small body and the thin frame would denote the aspect of a woman, but her savage fangs made her look more monster than woman.
"You are now my slave of feeble one" she uttered with a devilish smile on her face.
"That is why I should have used a stabilizing ward," Carthaphylus said with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Hey, odd man did you hear me?"
"Well, it can't be helped guess another try is necessary."
"Hey don't just ignore me!" at this point the girl was speaking through her teeth.
She didn't really manage to finish her sentence that Kastor ran into the room with some spells ready.
"Lay off you vile demon."
"Oh no there is another one, guess I just need to use my amazing charm against him also."
"Charm? I guess you could call that an attempt. said Carthapylus half smiling.
"Finally acknowledging me of puny one?"
"Puny one is rather dull I think I preferred feeble one."
"Carthaphylus could you stop talking to the demon," said Kastor just as he attacked.
A bolt went flying and hit her right in her chest. She fell quickly to the floor.
"Oww that hurt, you bully don't you know it's not nice to hit ladies."
"I don't think we summoned a demon Carthaphylus."
"Right Kastor quite a pushover."
"Correction, a loud pushover," said Kastor
"Whyyyy are you not taking me seriously?
"We are trying and we are failing, we are sorry. said Carthaphylus half laughing.
The little demonic girl was standing in the corner growling menacingly, but the two alchemists didn't much care, but out of courtesy tried to look scared. They let her stay for now as she was an interesting distraction to the endless monotony of the shack.


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