BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Valley

A young man wearing darkened armor with a thick layer of mail was standing in a green lush valley next to the coast of Fallen Light the great city of the Szent. His face was obscured by a spiky mask in the shape of a deer head. Two long horns were sprouting from its side. Their shape was more reminiscent of a spear than an actual horn, but nonetheless, they adorned the shrouded mask. The young man was known as Carthaphylus an alchemist of the Artian region. One might ask what he was doing so far from his home, but the answer was clear for every self-respecting alchemist: collecting ingredients, the life-blood of their trade, the cogs that keep the machine running he thought. The essential coast was ripe with rare and unique ingredients who were just ready for the talking, but what he was looking for the most was a plant by the name of "Dragon's tongue". A white petaled flower with a long golden stem that was unfortunately only found near lush valleys of these regions. They are usually accompanied by sounds of magical essence usually emanated by dragons hence the name. His search was long and with small reward, but no "Dragon's tongue". He kept his search for a good three days, but to no avail, the flower was naught to be found. Mildly infuriated he began his ride back home, but while passing a calm forest he was startled by the sound of moving essence slowly passing through the wind. "Impossible!" he thought, "essence and not only that ice essence!" small whiteish strands of light were moving along the forest canopy captivating him. As if entranced he followed the light to find its source. The beautiful canopy soon turned colder. He found small chunks of ice brimming with essence and even some wildlife was frozen standing in a perfect frozen statue. He was impressed by this craftsmanship. Even more eager than before he hurried to the source of it all. No longer trying to hide his approach he was pacing closer and closer until he spotted a small rudimentary tent made out of ice surprisingly. He got close to it and began examining its structure. It was extremely cold to the touch even for ice. So he summoned some fire essence. Surprisingly the essence was not melting the ice. "This must be some exceptional use of ice essence indeed." He observed tent further admiring its little design details and flawless form. He was truly captivated by it and as such he didn't notice the big chunk of ice the threw him in the side of a tree. Dazed and more than a little surprised he woke up tied up to said tree by some ice bindings and even more surprising than that was the one standing in front of him. A short pale girl in garments one would consider fine, but still modest. Her stance was ready for combat preparing another weapon of ice. Her deep blue eyes were showing signs of fear, but also hostility. Her small frame would make one believe her to be a helpless little girl, but he was no deceived as the bindings were more than enough proof for him. Her most striking feature was the long pointy ears typical of "wood elves", but that clashed with her pale skin reminiscent of "high elves" left him confused.
"What are you doing here... intruder?" the girl uttered in a small voice.
"Hmm... but the shape of the face would indicate a darker elven ancestry. Quite peculiar. Carthaphylus was rambling incoherently.
"Um, what did you say intruder?
"Oh no it can't be?" said him with wide eyes
"What can't intruder" she was clearly shaking
"You are a SNOW ELF, oh tremendous day this explains everything!
"Noo... you are clearly mistaken in fact I am not even an elf! she cried as a rebutal
"Don't try to deceive me, my dear, it is obvious that you ancestry links to the "great" Altair himself"
"Fine what if I am a snow elf, gonna try to attack me too?
"Attack? Why would I attack such a relic of the past? No, you are far too interesting.
"Alright then what are you doing in my forest? seemingly ignoring his remarks she asked
"Just out and about, collecting ingredients and stuff and couldn't help but notice your impressive handiwork.
"Impressive, but how can you say that its soo clumsy and useless.
"I would die of shame before I call this bindings clumsy no mear novice can keep me down.
"Oh right, are you alright in there?" she asked empathetically
"As fine as any man trapped by ice.
"Which is?"
"Quite comfortable. I can really feel the ice seeping into my bones, really does a body good you know."
"Oh no it shouldn't do that, damm it. She frantically tried to loosen the bindings, but in the end, she just gave up and set the man free.
"Finally, I was beginning to worry that I might return with a case of permafrost."
The girl gave him a wryly smile and he continued.
"And who might you be oh clumsy one!"
"I am Emilia, just Emila now. She looked down as is something dear was down there.
"A worthy name Emilia, a worthy name for a worthy mage."
"Thank you, what is yours then?"
"I am no other than Carthaphylus Sedemonde the great alchemist."
"Are you always so flamboyant?"
"I prefer to call it charismatic.
"But wouldn't you just scare people away like that making it the opposite?
"Those who are afraid by mear appearances are not worthy of my presence.
"I really don't get that."
"Well, maybe you will if you might follow me back to Artis.
"And why would I do that."
"So you don't have to live in that fascinating, but yet extremely cold tent, might I add I always wanted to see a snow elf and you, my lady are definitely interesting."
"Well better than the wilderness I guess, but no weird experiments."
"Of course, I conduct only normal experiments don't worry."
"Um that is not what I..."
"Now my friend, time to go we must make haste.
And so they started their rode back to Artis now the young man has found an interesting lead and the young elf was alone no more.


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