Session 25 | Roller Coaster Ride of Emotions Report

General Summary

Leading up to the house warming party everyday some one grabbed something about of Zoren's bag on one occasion Markos pulls out a knight in golden plate armor and demands him to become his servant at which the knight did not like and attacked Markos. Markos turned Sir. Nicholas Jo Jr. into a cat to which Brenneka did not know was a knight. She named him Mr. Blossom and crafted him a wreath of flowers around his neck after an hour when polymorph wore off Sir NJJ turned back into a knight.    Markos tried to have the knight serve him again to which Sir NJJ asked Brenneka if he could hurt him again. (no). Markos (yet again) propositioned the knight and Zemins walked into the room as Markos is commenting that not everything is young.    Party activity within the two weeks prior to the party: Zoren: Potions making. Makes three potions of healing in 2 weeks. Growing items: 2 potions of growth (22) and one potion of giant strength (1)   Markos is exercising for the two weeks. Brenekka is composing songs and makes a song for Markos to exercise.   Thriven and Kotmirra: Weave Masters in High Quarters: Elves: Carl, Claudia: dark grey with blue accents for thriven and and blue/grey dress. Thriven left 5gp for clothes
Campaign: Xanathena
Report Date
26 Aug 2020


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