Session 27 | Originals Reacquainted Report

General Summary

The aftermath of the dragon killing Brenneka, turning Kotmirra to stone (Markos removed curse), and Zoren being sucked into the Bag of Wondrous Randomization.   Now three strong the party moves towards the Black Willow Forest until they hear horses coming towards them. Markos casts invisibility on himself and Kotmirra and Thriven hides behind a tree branch. Hannibal and Orihanna come up to Thriven where Hannibal is confused that Thriven is alive. Orihanna tells Hannibal this was her quest and heads out.    Hannibal has different armor. The embroidery with a cloaker holding a person with the legs dangling. There is a form fitting leather with larger cuff gantlet. Hannibal gives Thriven a hug to show Thriven the warmth of his armor. He wanted to show that he cares   Thriven's hair is now white due to dying so much with some stubble facials hair. Has a necklace with a symbol of the raven queen with feathers   Markos is in love and so much more mature than before and that he has found a replacement for Jax when he is human with Zemins.    Kotmirra talks about wanting to get a magical item in the Black Willow and that they originally had a potential quest to help the druids there (as their first Champion quest). Kotmirra says something about wielding to Markos. This is to get me back in the good graces with my Clan. But not sure if I want to go back as I have found you all.   Getting into the ruins: It seems as if you cross an invisible threshold as a sweltering heat of a mix lemon, mandarin, and bergamot on top of lavender, vanilla, amber, and musk pummels your face. The noises of chattering creatures seem to be traveling through a a wet hot fog, think of a steam shower. You notice that your clothes start to cling to your back and beads of sweat are starting to be known. As you look out into what you presume is the Itlauna Ruins which you estimate will take about a half a day's walk, you and see a wave of trees moving up a hill blocking most of your view beyond.   Looking onto the ruins from the hill: As you crest the top of the hill the jungle parts to reveal ruins guarded by a wall of trees and colorful flowers. Colorful birds glide overhead. To the right is a waterfall of Mediterranean-blue water swishing over the rocks and gently laps at the base of a lonely tower.   There is a statue of an elf, hooded and beautiful, crowning this collapsing tower. Strange and bright birds chirp their songs while fish dodge around your trek through the water.   The very air hums with arcane energies, a caution to all who see it of the dangers of pushing too far, and a reminder that nothing lasts forever.   Skirting past most of the ruins end up fighting a corpse flower, quicklings, and goblin thing. Wanted to move on as quick as possible. Afterwards Hannibal is talking to Markos when his raven pops out startling Hannibal who killed a small creature to feed it to the Raven. The Raven ate his meal on top of Markos' head.    Moving closer to the edge of the water Markos feels and says the power is not good or bad but incomplete like a teleportation circle or something. Markos tries to fix the ruins and it seems like it does. They decided not to go through the teleportation circle at this point and Markos casts a puewst (brown pink color) Tiny Hut. Hannibal is not sure he can trust the dome and the people in it. He stays up all night and take a level of exhaustion.   Markos shows off is "young arm" by opening is robe in a creepy way. Hannibal asks him to strip down to see what is young vs old. His tattoo area and his "member" are the only young area.   Made it to the end of the Itlauna Ruins right before the Maple Balm Forest.
Campaign: Xanathena
Report Date
02 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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