Session 29 | Icy Hoard Report

General Summary

Come across two slimy things that look a bit different than the cubes fought before. Decided to try to stealth around them and fails. Hannible and Kotmirra see terrifying things. End of moving around the creatures but Kotmirra and Hannible see terrifying things. Fight white dragon and then Win fight after frightening a white baby dragon.   Decided to move down path 5 where Markos and Hannibal are sucked away. Kotmirra and Thriven find a table full of different sizes jars with different tops. There are twenty jars. Thriven broke open a jar and they continued opening jars.  They find Markos and Hannibal in two different jars.      Markos: After 5 hours of thinking you will know magic jar spell Hannibal: You can now see through invisibility for the next 24 hours Thriven: +1 to charisma for the next hour, alignment is neutral for 24 hours, Resistant to cold for 24 hours, Charisma +1 until I damage a creature, Can stay up for 48 hours without exhaustion Kotmirra: resistant to lightening damage for the next 24 hours  An Air elemental said all jars are safe No undead within 60 feet Kotmirra/Thriven: the symbol is the same as path 7

Rewards Granted

Magical Items: Ulrik’s Monographia Insomniae – a book on nightmare magic. Bonus: you gain advantage on saves against sleep and nightmares. Must spend 12 hours reading  Potions: Elixir of Health , 2 health potions (superior), potion of growth, amulet of health, staff of the python, goggles of night, Ring of the Assassin Lord, Boots of the Winterlands, Elemental Gem (yellow diamond)  bag: bag of holding   Mundane Items   Armor, Brigandine Armor, Brigandine Armor, Hide Armor, Hide Armor, Hide Armor, Hide Armor, Leather Armor, Leather Armor, Padded Armor, Padded Armor, Scale mail Armor, Splinted mail Armor, Studded leather Armor, Studded leather Arrows, sheaf (10) Arrows, sheaf (10) Axe, hand Bastard Sword Caltrops (10) Clothing and footwear, coat Clothing and footwear, linen (drawers) Clothing and footwear, trousers Flail, horseman’s Hammer Mace, footman’s Mace, footman’s Mace, horseman’s Mace, horseman’s Miscellaneous equipment and items, chest, wooden, large Miscellaneous equipment and items, Mirror, small, silver Miscellaneous equipment and items, Skin for water or wine Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, basin (metal) Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, beater Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, comb, fine hardwood Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, cup Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, grinder Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, oil fuel Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, spigot Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, thread, cotton, 50' Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, tinderbox (with flint & steel) Miscellaneous utensils and personal items, trivet Provisions, apples, dried (800lbs) Provisions, berries, dried (raisins; 800lbs) Provisions, Fish, preserved (10 barrels) Provisions, Meat, preserved (10 barrels) Provisions, Meat, preserved (10 barrels) Provisions, Meat, preserved (10 barrels) Provisions, water (1 barrel) Quarrel/bolts, light (1-6) Religious items, cloth (altar) Religious items, incense burner(s) Religious items, lamp(s) Religious items, statue(s) Scimitar Shield, body (large) Shield, medium Shield, medium Shield, small Shield, small Staff sling Sword, Long Rare & Wondrous Items   Mirror; of reflective-polished electrum set in a silver frame, back panel chased in a design of a smiling, elfin female face, pretty of features (mirror designed without a handle). Urn, golden, chased and cut with relief designs of flowers, painted with scarlet blossoms. In excellent condition, 6″ tall, will hold a flower stem (e.g. rose), weight 10 gp. Ball, dimpled from use but still brightly polished; 3″-diameter sphere of solid gold. Sword, of steel plated with silver. Simple cross-hilted blade with a cabochon-cut piece of jet (500-gp value) set into the center of the tang where the quillons meet it. A non-magical longsword. Thieves’ picks and tools, 1 set (universal lock-picks, pry-bar, waxed cord with 2 hooks and 6 thin steel spikes, whipsaw, cutters, two small black velvet bags, black leather gloves and mask, iron grapnel with 2’ shank and end-ring). Mug of brass, cut and chased in a broad ring of floral branches, picked out in red enamel. Ornamental; if wine is drunk from this, it will react with the metal to produce a dangerous poison. The handle of the mug has light-green jade inlays, carved in the shape of a djinni. Statuette, carved of solid ivory; of an armored warrior leaning on a great broadsword. 2 silver bars (each a flat rectangle, 2" thick x 2" wide x 10" long, untarnished). Quill pen case, gold, with clasp, chased into scene of scribe writing in tome, sitting on stool amid stacks of parchment. Arrowheads, silver, 5 in number. Medallion, electrum inlaid with copper, in design of phoenix rising from flames, spherical, 4’ diameter. Scroll tube, carved ivory with gold-plated metal end caps. Coffer, 6’ high x 1’ wide x 2’ long, with gold hinges and catch, of carved ivory worked into a beveled top, with a gigantic battle scene covering sides and top, all figures individually cut and exquisitely detailed. Whistle, pipe-style, of fluted design with ring at top for chain or cord, of reddish gold. Ring of 12 keys (to chests, doors, etc. ring gold-plated; 3 gold-plated keys (each worth 3 gp), 6 tarnished, ornate silver-plated keys (each worth 1 gp), 3 electrum-plated keys (each worth 2 gp ring separately worth 6 gp. Belt buckle, crescent moon device, of electrum. Tapestry; of wool and animal hair with a few strands of spun gold; large (6’ width x 12’ length), depicting 3 maidens in skirts standing in a moonlit garden beneath seven stars. Origin and meaning of scene now forgotten. Mediocre condition. Tiles, 2, of baked and glazed clay, painted with scenes of swimming fish, white pearls (100-gp value) inset as eyes (1 fish per tile). Statuette, of solid gold, a flowing-haired maiden riding a rearing unicorn. Flagon, of clear rock crystal polished glasssmooth; flaring tulip-shaped vessel with heavy, bulbous base; safe to drink from, holds 1 pint. Monocle; polished glass lens in gold frame, with hooked and pierced side-handle, sans ribbon or cord. Cloak pin of silver, fashioned in shape of a griffon’s head (side view, facing right) with a (1,000-gp value) ruby as the eye. Belt buckle, crescent moon device, of electrum. Shield, beaten gold bolted to a wooden underlay, finely worked and enamelled in a scene of an armored warrior rising rampant on horseback, brandishing a curved blade (saber or tulwar rather than a scimitar), while enemies flee toward the bottom of the shield. Many castles and maidens are depicted within the border surrounding this scene, presumably possessions won by the warrior. This shield is undamaged, and obviously not for battle use (it is both too heavy and too fragile). It is magnificent in appearance and of large (4’ tall) size. Its origin, and the identity of the warrior depicted, are now lost. Chain: 6’ length of ornamental, gold-plated, triple-interlaced link (heavy, and strong!). Mirror; of reflective-polished electrum set in a silver frame, back panel chased in a design of a smiling, elfin female face, pretty of features (mirror designed without a handle). Rotting leather-and-silk chatelaine with gold-plated scissors (3-gp value), gold-plated thimble (1 gp), 6 silver-plated keys (2 sp each), brass key ring and leather thongs. Boot heel, silver-plated, with embossed ornamental scrollwork design, battered. Arrowheads, silver, 2 in number. Pin: large (4” diameter sphere) ornamental bodice pin of polished brass worked into shape of sleeping unicorn, chalcedony inset (70-gp value) depicting its horn (overall weight 12 gp). Comb, golden, handle carved into dragon’s head with (1,000-gp value) ruby set as eye. Platter, of chased and pierced gold. Delicate, easily damaged, but in good condition. Large (oval, 2’ long x 1’ wide at widest point). Flute, golden, of delicate work and mirrorsmooth finish. Beer stein, 1 foot tall, tapered, of pewter set into a gold-plated iron frame with gold handle and pierced gold decorative side-panels depicting huntsmen in the chase, winding horns, and with their dogs harrying a stag. Safe to drink from, holds 2 quarts; 130-gp weight. Door handle, of steel plated with gold, fashioned into the form of a curling snake. Jewelry   arm band, Platinum with gems, good craftsmanship statuette, Silver with gems, masterful craftsmanship earring, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, excellent craftsmanship arm band, Wrought gold, superior craftsmanship necklace, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, fair craftsmanship headband (fillet), Wrought silver and gold, good craftsmanship earring, Gold with gems, superior craftsmanship box (small), Jade, coral or wrought platinum, good craftsmanship ring, Wrought silver and gold, masterful craftsmanship sceptre, Silver with gems, excellent craftsmanship necklace, Wrought silver and gold, good craftsmanship pin, Gold with gems, superior craftsmanship necklace, Wrought gold, superior craftsmanship medal, Ivory or wrought silver, good craftsmanship earring, Wrought silver and gold, excellent craftsmanship clasp, Ivory or wrought silver, good craftsmanship clasp, Silver with gems, Exceptional Stone, superior craftsmanship brooch, Wrought gold, fair craftsmanship goblet, Wrought gold, good craftsmanship necklace, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, fair craftsmanship pin, Gold with gems, Exceptional Stone, good craftsmanship tiara, Gold with gems, Exceptional Stone, superior craftsmanship statuette, Ivory or wrought silver, good craftsmanship orb, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, fair craftsmanship idol, Silver with gems, superior craftsmanship idol, Ivory or wrought silver, good craftsmanship ring, Silver with gems, good craftsmanship belt, Ivory or wrought silver, superior craftsmanship brooch, Wrought gold, exceptional workmanship/design, masterful craftsmanship necklace, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, good craftsmanship chain, Wrought gold, exceptional workmanship/design, good craftsmanship locket, Silver with gems, superior craftsmanship medallion, Gold with gems, fair craftsmanship comb, Silver with gems, exceptional workmanship/design, good craftsmanship choker, Wrought gold, fair craftsmanship orb, Silver with gems, superior craftsmanship statuette, Ivory or wrought silver, excellent craftsmanship chain, Gold with gems, exceptional workmanship/design, good craftsmanship medal, Wrought silver and gold, excellent craftsmanship medal, Silver with gems, exceptional workmanship/design, excellent craftsmanship medallion, Wrought silver and gold, exceptional workmanship/design, good craftsmanship ring, Wrought silver and gold, fair craftsmanship medallion, Silver with gems, excellent craftsmanship decanter, Gold with gems, masterful craftsmanship ring, Wrought silver and gold, superior craftsmanship headband (fillet), Wrought gold, good craftsmanship necklace, Wrought silver and gold, exceptional workmanship/design, good craftsmanship necklace, Wrought silver and gold, superior craftsmanship crown, Gold with gems, exceptional workmanship/design, masterful craftsmanship orb, Silver with gems, good craftsmanship fob, Gold with gems, superior craftsmanship medallion, Silver with gems, superior craftsmanship arm band, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, good craftsmanship bracelet, Wrought gold, good craftsmanship collar, Gold with gems, good craftsmanship clasp, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, masterful craftsmanship arm band, Wrought gold, superior craftsmanship belt, Wrought gold, fair craftsmanship buckle, Gold with gems, fair craftsmanship anklet, Platinum with gems, superior craftsmanship tiara, Gold with gems, good craftsmanship brooch, Gold with gems, Exceptional Stone, superior craftsmanship necklace, Gold with gems, exceptional workmanship/design, fair craftsmanship chalice, Gold with gems, good craftsmanship choker, Silver with gems, excellent craftsmanship bracelet, Wrought gold, good craftsmanship chain, Jade, coral or wrought platinum, fair craftsmanship ring, Wrought gold, superior craftsmanship brooch, Wrought gold, fair craftsmanship ring, Gold with gems, excellent craftsmanship
Campaign: Xanathena
Report Date
31 Oct 2020


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