Arocra Species in Ethyca | World Anvil
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A winged creature, tiny but dangerous.


The Arocras are a dangerous and solitary species that should be avoided at all costs. Their acid spit and desire to harm any living thing make them a significant threat to anyone who may come across them. Their craze for chaos and destruction means that they are not to be underestimated or approached lightly.
Their mushroom-heads and vine-like appendages make them difficult to spot, especially in mountainous areas amid the mushrooms they prefer to live amongst. It's essential to be cautious when exploring areas where they may be present.
Their pretty wings, while aesthetically pleasing, are a clear sign that they are not to be messed with. Their ability to fly at high speeds makes them even more dangerous, as it allows them to chase any perceived threat.
The fact that they are blind but have heightened hearing is also a cause for concern, meaning any noise made in their vicinity could potentially draw their attention and cause them to attack.

Sensory Perception:

Arocras have a very unique sensory perception.
They are blind, yet they still have large eyes that take up most of the space of their tiny faces. Since they cannot see anything, they largely rely on other senses, some of which are extraordinarily heightened.
They do not have muscular ears, but rather eardrums embedded onto the sides of their mushroom-head. They solely rely on their hearing, due to its heightened capabilities. They can hear anything in a 2 quazo [1 q = almost 3 km] radius, from the trumpeting of the Ranosas, to the whispering of Wasol. If they hear anything, and by that, I mean anything, they will chase.
So, if you see one, you're done for.

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