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Adonian Empire

The Adonian Empire ruled from 2500 BA to roughly 1500 BA. The Adonian Empire ruled from the city of Adon.    Religious Practices  Adonian/Elder Way   What Kingdoms made up the Adonian Empire?    How did the Adonian Empire exert its power?  Storehouse of knowledge related to magic and its wielding (military and otherwise) Access to airable land and fresh water, plentiful rivers  Stringent laws/Harsh sentences Caste System  Foundation of widely read and followed religious stories pertaining to gods and their histories Foundational laws    Military:   The Champion was the head of the military. I'm toying with the idea of the cheldyr. I view it as either a portion of the Adonian Military (Perhaps only the champion can summon all of the kingdoms armies) or maybe the Cheldyr is an elite military unit? On the other side, in the present I want the Cheldyr to be viewed as a sacred and ancient order of knights - perhaps the Cheldyr after the fall of Adon continued to protect displaced Adonians, perhaps they decided it was important to preserve the best parts of the Adonian culture and protect them from the Lucerian magic hunters (need to come up with good name for them!)    The foundation of rule focused on the following:  The High King, The High Priest, the Champion and the Adversary   The High King was selected by the other kings, the High Priest, the First Sword, and the Adversary   The hermit was a person on the outside of society and not part of day to day administration of rule, but was meant as a counterbalance. The hermit was a druid who was most strongly connected to the elder god of the earth. He lived simply in a grove outside the kingdom.   Fall of the Adonian Empire     Acantha - Felt mankind was becoming too strong and decided to challenge Rai by showing him that humans were feeble and susecptible to corruption. Once his influence began to take root the later rulers began to cast off restraints handed down from Rai and no longer felt it was worth consulting or listening to the him. Acantha persuaded the High King at the time to declare himself Emperor (A position that did not exist at the time) and declare sovreign rulership over the other kingdoms. Aiga had warned Rai that Acantha would destroy him and that he was taking too direct an influence into human affairs.    When corruption came to its Zenith, the Lucerians      Acardoch I - First High King Hariah - High Scholar of the Empire Emrick - Champion Abramael II - Last Emperor; Named his son Acardoch II in an effort to bring comfort to the people during the collapse of the empire. Prince Acardoch II was killed Baddon - Warrior Adumid - Emperor or warrior or peasant who was taught the truth by Acantha City of Anaiel - City of Azar - Seat of the Old Empire, Northwest at the heart of the 3 rivers **After Azar, Anaiel became the most powerful city in the riverlands.

~1500 B.A.

Alternative Name(s)
The Old Empire, The First Empire
Inhabitant Demonym


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