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The Death of Augnir Ethereach

The death of King Augnir stirred up a great many troubles. The king had 4 children, 3 sons: Ronach, Thiel, and Carimir. He had one daughter named Brea.    Ronach the eldest had been married to a Lucerian princess, Thiel had married a Tanachian, and Carimir a Guhrian lord? Ronach had wanted to marry for love and was bitter with his life and marriage. The Elder Wood chair that the high king their father had sat in was the seat of significance. Augnir toward the end of his life had worried that his choices to hold the realm together had been detrimental to his family, his eldest son of all. He found himself melancholy in his last days, thinking on his old glories and adventures. Augnir, to his great shame, did not trust his children other than his daughter Brea.    Augnir made the difficult choice of naming his youngest daughter his heir and sought to find her a suitor. Brea however was headstrong and had no interest in love. Ronach was furious that the seat would not be his, proposing instead a council of the 4 children. Augnir refused, his distaste for hereditary power still present but knowing he would have to relent to some extent for the sake of the realm. Brea too had eventually relented and was married to someone who would die before an heir was born.    fill in missing pieces   The result of marrying off his children had the effect of giving many bloodlines eventual claim to Augnir's heritage, who would be regarded as the greatest king for over a thousand years and codified into a legendary hero blessed above all by Aion.    Brea fled to Citar, the final seat of the old empire. Augnir had a soft spot for old Adonia, telling tales of how his old friend and mentor had dreamed of its revival. Knowing this, Brea made it her life mission to restore the old lands.


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